Best Philosophical Quotes (New List more than 1220 Quotes) - Wishes, Shayari, Kahani


Festival Wishes, Shayaris and Kahani

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Best Philosophical Quotes (New List more than 1220 Quotes)

Here is the list of Philosophical Quotes said by Great People. There are more than 1220 philosophical quotes were said by Great People from the society. Read these inspiring motivational quotes on Philosophy.

Philosophical Quotes

Philosophical Quotes

Following are the list of Best Philosophical Quotes said by Great People from the society.

(Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes)

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company.”
-Benjamin Franklin Wade
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”
-Nicolas Chamfort
“Have you ever noticed how ‘What the hell’ is always the right decision to make?”
-Terry Johnson
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
-Anne Frank
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead
“You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.”
-Kahlil Gibran
“May you live every day of your life.”
-Jonathan Swift
“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.”
-Albert Camus
“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
-May Sarton
“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”
-Laurence J. Peter
“It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
-William Shakespear
“Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.”
-Isaac Asimov
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
-Albert Einstein
“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.”
“You do not write your life with words...You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.”
-Patrick Ness
“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”
-Benjamin Spock
“Simplicity, patience, compassion.These three are your greatest treasures.Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.Patient with both friends and enemies,you accord with the way things are.Compassionate toward yourself,you reconcile all beings in the world.”
-Lao Tzu
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”
-Dr. Seuss
“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.”
-Frank Zappa
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
-Elie Wiesel
“A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it.”
-D.H. Lawrence
“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”
-Bertrand Russell
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.”
-Albert Einstein
“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”
-Richard Dawkins
“I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.”
-Fitzgerald F. Scott
“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”
-Mo Willems
“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.”
-Douglas Adams

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“The past has no power over the present moment.”
-Eckhart Tolle
“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
-George Bernard Shaw
“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think”
“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”
-Lao Tsu
“We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.”
-Santosh Kalwar
“You only live twice:Once when you are bornAnd once when you look death in the face”
-Ian Fleming
“Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard, are sweeter”
-John Keats
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
“Music is ... A higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy”
-Ludwig Van Beethoven
“A concept is a brick. It can be used to build a courthouse of reason. Or it can be thrown through the window.”
-Gilles Deleuze
“If you win, you need not have to explain...If you lose, you should not be there to explain!”
-Adolf Hitler
“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.”
-Carl Sagan
“An intellectual? Yes. And never deny it. An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself. I like this, because I am happy to be both halves, the watcher and the watched. "Can they be brought together?" This is a practical question. We must get down to it. "I despise intelligence" really means: "I cannot bear my doubts.”
-Albert Camus
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
“Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people we personally dislike.”
-Oscar Wilde
“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”
-Gabriel García Márquez
“Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”
“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them”
-Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
“A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, "Is life a multiple choice test or is it a true or false test?" ...Then a voice comes to me out of the dark and says, "We hate to tell you this but life is a thousand word essay.”
-Charles M. Schulz
“Well, I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies.”
-Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
-Albert Einstein
“Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Back, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. People had to find things to do while waiting to die. I guess it was nice to have a choice.”
-Charles Bukowski
“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
-Bruce Lee
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
“I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.”
-Freidrich Neitzsche
“The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”
-Bill Hicks
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
-Jose Marti
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”
-Ayn Rand
“It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when they have lost their way.”
-Rollo May
“I don’t know what’s worse: to not know what you are and be happy, or to become what you’ve always wanted to be, and feel alone.”
-Daniel Keyes
“Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
-Dylan Thomas
“Time is a game played beautifully by children.”
“Expect everything, I always say, and the unexpected never happens.”
-Norton Juster
“I started my life with a single absolute: that the world was mine to shape in the image of my highest values and never to be given up to a lesser standard, no matter how long or hard the struggle.”
-Ayn Rand
“I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings.”
-Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.”
-Alan Wilson Watts
“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.”
“The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you but answer, "He was ignorant of my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these alone.”
“One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.”
-Simone De Beauvoir
“The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.[These words are also inscribed upon his grave]”
-Karl Marx
“No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.”
-George Lucas
“I know that pain is the most important thing in the universes. Greater than survival, greater than love, greater even than the beauty it brings about. For without pain, there can be no pleasure. Without sadness, there can be no happiness. Without misery there can be no beauty. And without these, life is endless, hopeless, doomed and damned. Adult. You have become adult.”
-Harlan Ellison
“I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.”
-Bertrand Russell
“The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.”
-Albert Einstein
“Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.”
-James Baldwin
“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
“Doubt as sin. — Christianity has done its utmost to close the circle and declared even doubt to be sin. One is supposed to be cast into belief without reason, by a miracle, and from then on to swim in it as in the brightest and least ambiguous of elements: even a glance towards land, even the thought that one perhaps exists for something else as well as swimming, even the slightest impulse of our amphibious nature — is sin! And notice that all this means that the foundation of belief and all reflection on its origin is likewise excluded as sinful. What is wanted are blindness and intoxication and an eternal song over the waves in which reason has drowned.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Things do not change; we change.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination.”
-Dan Millman
“Wisest is she who knows she does not know.”
-Jostein Gaarder
“For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?”
-George Orwell
“It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters,”
-Amit Ray
“The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.”
-Lao Tzu
“Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep”
-Albert Camus

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“A person who has not been completely alienated, who has remained sensitive and able to feel, who has not lost the sense of dignity, who is not yet "for sale", who can still suffer over the suffering of others, who has not acquired fully the having mode of existence - briefly, a person who has remained a person and not become a thing - cannot help feeling lonely, powerless, isolated in present-day society. He cannot help doubting himself and his own convictions, if not his sanity. He cannot help suffering, even though he can experience moments of joy and clarity that are absent in the life of his "normal" contemporaries. Not rarely will he suffer from neurosis that results from the situation of a sane man living in an insane society, rather than that of the more conventional neurosis of a sick man trying to adapt himself to a sick society. In the process of going further in his analysis, i.e. of growing to greater independence and productivity,his neurotic symptoms will cure themselves. ”
-Erich Fromm
“belief is the death of intelligence.”
-Robert Anton Wilson
“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.”
-Babe Ruth
“Happiness consists in frequent repetition of pleasure”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.”
-Robertson Davies
“No one should ever ask themselves that: why am I unhappy? The question carries within it the virus that will destroy everything. If we ask that question, it means we want to find out what makes us happy. If what makes us happy is different from what we have now, then we must either change once and for all or stay as we are, feeling even more unhappy.”
-Paulo Coelho
“It takes three to make love, not two: you, your spouse, and God. Without God people only succeed in bringing out the worst in one another. Lovers who have nothing else to do but love each other soon find there is nothing else. Without a central loyalty life is unfinished.”
-Fulton J. Sheen
“He died that day because his body had served its purpose. His soul had done what it came to do, learned what it came to learn, and then was free to leave.”
-Garth Stein
“Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?”
-Stephen Hawking
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding... And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy”
-Khalil Gibran
“On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time.”
-George Orwell
“The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”
-Niccolò Machiavelli
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
-Carl Sagan
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”
“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.”
-Alan Watts
“There are no ordinary moments.”
-Dan Millman
“Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.”
-Ayn Rand
“Non est ad astra mollis e terris via" - "There is no easy way from the earth to the stars”
“All knowledge is worth having.”
-Jacqueline Carey
“I was never aware of any other option but to question everything.”
-Noam Chomsky
“Man is always prey to his truths. Once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them.”
-Albert Camus
“Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I’ve said before, bugs in amber.”
-Kurt Vonnegut
“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”
-Dalai Lama XIV
“The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.”
-Marcus Aurelius
“Take it easy, but take it.”
-Woody Guthrie
“No single event can awaken within us a stranger whose existence we had never suspected. To live is to be slowly born.”
-Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
“But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.”
-Carl Sagan
“Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.”
-Vladimir Lenin
“We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged”
-Heinrich Heine
“It may be important to great thinkers to examine the world, to explain and despise it. But I think it is only important to love the world, not to despise it, not for us to hate each other, but to be able to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration and respect.”
-Hermann Hesse

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“The menu is not the meal.”
-Alan Watts
“The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.”
-Baruch Spinoza
“When another blames you or hates you, or people voice similar criticisms, go to their souls, penetrate inside and see what sort of people they are. You will realize that there is no need to be racked with anxiety that they should hold any particular opinion about you.”
-Marcus Aurelius
“Learning does not make one learned: there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding. The first requires memory and the second philosophy.”
-Alexandre Dumas
“The evil that is in the world almost always comes from ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.”
-Albert Camus
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself and you will be happy.”
-Stephen Fry
“Last night I was seriously considering whether I was a bisexual or not but I don’t think so though I’m not sure if I’d like to be and argh I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, if you like a person, you like the person, not their genitals.”
-Jess C Scott
“Fair speech may hide a foul heart.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien
“To write well, express yourself like the common people, but think like a wise man.”
“The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.”
-Leon Trotsky
“The so-called paradox of freedom is the argument that freedom in the sense of absence of any constraining control must lead to very great restraint, since it makes the bully free to enslave the meek. The idea is, in a slightly different form, and with very different tendency, clearly expressed in Plato.Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.”
-Karl Raimund Popper
“The words ‘I Love You’ kill, and resurrect millions, in less than a second.”
“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived.”
-George S. Patton Jr.
“In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagvat Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial; and I doubt if that philosophy is not to be referred to a previous state of existence, so remote is its sublimity from our conceptions. I lay down the book and go to my well for water, and lo! there I meet the servant of the Bramin, priest of Brahma and Vishnu and Indra, who still sits in his temple on the Ganges reading the Vedas, or dwells at the root of a tree with his crust and water jug. I meet his servant come to draw water for his master, and our buckets as it were grate together in the same well. The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred water of the Ganges.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred.”
-Uchiha Madara
“A cult is a religion with no political power.”
-Tom Wolfe
“The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next.”
-Ursula K. Le Guin
“The Revolution introduced me to art, and in turn, art introduced me to the Revolution!”
-Albert Einstein
“To teach how to live without certainty, and yet without being paralyzed by hesitation, is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can still do for those who study it.”
-Bertrand Russell
“Perhaps not one religion contains all of the truth of the world. Perhaps every religion contains fragments of the truth, and it is our responsibility to identify those fragments and piece them together.”
-Christopher Paolini
“A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”
-William James
“Until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven.”
-Arthur Miller
“Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not.”
“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“If you reveal your secrets to the wind,you should not blame the wind forrevealing them to the trees.”
-Kahlil Gibran
“The moment we cry in a film is not when things are sad but when they turn out to be more beautiful than we expected them to be.”
-Alain De Botton
“Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.”
-Sun Tzu
“I think us here to wonder, myself. To wonder. To ask. And that in wondering bout the big things and asking bout the big things, you learn about the little ones, almost by accident. But you never know nothing more about the big things than you start out with. The more I wonder, the more I love.”
-Alice Walker
“Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.”
-Lao Tzu

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“He was free, free in every way, free to behave like a fool or a machine, free to accept, free to refuse, free to equivocate; to marry, to give up the game, to drag this death weight about with him for years to come. He could do what he liked, no one had the right to advise him, there would be for him no Good or Evil unless he thought them into being.”
-Jean-Paul Sartre
“Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.”
“The thing about a spiral is, if you follow it inward, it never actually ends. It just keeps tightening, infinitely.”
-John Green
“Even a soul submerged in sleep is hard at work and helps make something of the world.”
“I never found beauty in longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach.”
-Ayn Rand
“Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.”
-Ludwig Van Beethoven
“Before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.”
-Harper Lee
“I think I am, therefore, I am... I think.”
-George Carlin
“I have gained this by philosophy … I do without being ordered what some are constrained to do by their fear of the law.”
“In politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill... we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one.”
“The first and most important thing an individual can do is to become an individual again, decontrol himself, train himself as to what is going on and win back as much independent ground for himself as possible”
-William S. Burroughs
“Life is much more successfully looked at from a single window.”
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Always forgive, but never forget, else you will be a prisoner of your own hatred, and doomed to repeat your mistakes forever.”
-Wil Zeus
“The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.”
-Carl Sagan
“Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still.”
-David Foster Wallace
“There is no escape—we pay for the violence of our ancestors.”
-Frank Herbert
“The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness.”
-William Blake
“Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“I assess the power of a will by how much resistance, pain, torture it endures and knows how to turn to its advantage”
-Fredrich Nietzsche
“Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly. It is the one thing we are interested in here.”
-Leo Tolstoy
“Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Living well is an art that can be developed: a love of life and ability to take great pleasure from small offerings and assurance that the world owes you nothing and that every gift is exactly that, a gift. ”
-Maya Angelou
“I cannot compromise my respect for your love. You can keep your love, I will keep my respect.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Words do not express thoughts very well; every thing immediately becomes a little different, a little distorted, a little foolish. And yet it also pleases me and seems right that what is of value and wisdom of one man seems nonsense to another.”
-Siddhartha Gautama
“Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; those in philosophy only ridiculous.”
-David Hume
“The more you struggle to live, the less you live. Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing. Instead, surrender to what is real within you, for that alone is are above everything distressing.”
“One must wait until the evening to see how splendid the day has been.”
“Who is John Galt?”
-Ayn Rand
“I consider it an extremely dangerous doctrine, because the more likely we are to assume that the solution comes from the outside, the less likely we are to solve our problems ourselves.”
-Carl Sagan
“No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.”
-Khalil Gibran

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.”
-Kahlil Gibran
“It is therefore senseless to think of complaining since nothing foreign has decided what we feel, what we live, or what we are.”
-Jean-Paul Sartre
“Knowledge is power is time is money.”
-Robert Thier
“If anyone on the verge of action should judge himself according to the outcome, he would never begin.”
-Søren Kierkegaard
“The pianokeys are black and whitebut they sound like a million colors in your mind”
-Maria Cristina Mena
“Because there are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, the third is useless.”
-Niccolò Machiavelli
“Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self-commendation. We think we make the picture hang straight on our wall by telling our neighbors that all his pictures are crooked.”
-Fulton J. Sheen
“A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmareto the jeweled vision of a life started anew.”
“I suppose therefore that all things I see are illusions; I believe that nothing has ever existed of everything my lying memory tells me. I think I have no senses. I believe that body, shape, extension, motion, location are functions. What is there then that can be taken as true? Perhaps only this one thing, that nothing at all is certain.”
-Rene Descartes
“No matter how you care to define it, I do not identify with the local group. Planet, species, race, nation, state, religion, party, union, club, association, neighborhood improvement committee; I have no interest in any of it. I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to.”
-George Carlin
“He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing .”
“I am my world.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber of the peace.”
-Baruch Spinoza
“Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.”
-Alan Wilson Watts
“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies.”
“If only it were possible to love without injury – fidelity isn’t enough: I had been faithful to Anne and yet I had injured her. The hurt is in the act of possession: we are too small in mind and body to possess another person without pride or to be possessed without humiliation. In a way I was glad that my wife had struck out at me again – I had forgotten her pain for too long, and this was the only kind of recompense I could give her. Unfortunately the innocent are always involved in any conflict. Always, everywhere, there is some voice crying from a tower. ”
-Graham Greene
“True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.”
-François De La Rochefoucauld
“The pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Parmenides taught that the only things that are real are things which never change... and the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Heraclitus taught that everything changes. If you superimpose their two views, you get this result: Nothing is real.”
-Philip K. Dick
“Fault always lies in the same place: with him weak enough to lay blame.”
-Stephen King
“Life—the way it really is—is a battle not between good and bad, but between bad and worse”
-Joseph Brodsky
“Travel is never a matter of money but of courage”
-Paulo Coelho
“Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy”
-Isaac Newton
“There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who believe there are two kinds of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better.”
-Tom Robbins
“You were born a child of light’s wonderful secret— you return to the beauty you have always been.”
“It often occurs that pride and selfishness are muddled with strength and independence. They are neither equal nor similar; in fact, they are polar opposites. A coward may be so cowardly that he masks his weakness with some false personification of power. He is afraid to love and to be loved because love tends to strip bare all emotional barricades. Without love, strength and independence are prone to losing every bit of their worth; they become nothing more than a fearful, intimidated, empty tent lost somewhere in the desert of self.”
-Criss Jami
“Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.”
-Adam Smith
“Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future too.”
-Marcus Aurelius
“A preoccupation with the next world clearly shows an inability to cope credibly with this one.”
-Richard K. Morgan
“One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version of you that is expected by everyone else.”
-K.L. Toth
“If you have reasons to love someone, you don’t love them.”
-Slavoj Žižek

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“Be wiser than other people if you can; but do not tell them so.”
-Dale Carnegie
“Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control.”
“It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster.”
“As a philosopher, if I were speaking to a purely philosophic audience I should say that I ought to describe myself as an Agnostic, because I do not think that there is a conclusive argument by which one can prove that there is not a God. On the other hand, if I am to convey the right impression to the ordinary man in the street I think that I ought to say that I am an Atheist, because, when I say that I cannot prove that there is not a God, I ought to add equally that I cannot prove that there are not the Homeric gods.”
-Bertrand Russell
“If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.”
-G.K. Chesterton
“There is nothing more notable in Socrates than that he found time, when he was an old man, to learn music and dancing, and thought it time well spent.”
-Michel De Montaigne
“To make light of philosophy is to be a true philosopher.”
-Blaise Pascal
“It is indisputable that the being whose capacities of enjoyment are low, has the greatest chance of having them fully satisfied; and a highly endowed being will always feel that any happiness which he can look for, as the world is constituted, is imperfect. But he can learn to bear its imperfections, if they are at all bearable; and they will not make him envy the being who is indeed unconscious of the imperfections, but only because he feels not at all the good which those imperfections qualify. It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is only because they only know their own side of the question.”
-John Stuart Mill
“All men by nature desire knowledge.”
“A bird is safe in its nest - but that is not what its wings are made for.”
-Amit Ray
“ optimistic mind-set finds dozens of possible solutions for every problem that the pessimist regards as incurable.”
-Robert Anton Wilson
“Philosophy ... is a science, and as such has no articles of faith; accordingly, in it nothing can be assumed as existing except what is either positively given empirically, or demonstrated through indubitable conclusions.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“The trouble is you can shut your eyes but you can’t shut your mind.”
-Terry Pratchett
“No man was ever wise by chance”
“Choose to be happy. It is what we have all done.”
-Melissa Marr
“The role played by time at the beginning of the universe is, I believe, the final key to removing the need for a Grand Designer, and revealing how the universe created itself. … Time itself must come to a stop. You can’t get to a time before the big bang, because there was no time before the big bang. We have finally found something that does not have a cause because there was no time for a cause to exist in. For me this means there is no possibility of a creator because there is no time for a creator to have existed. Since time itself began at the moment of the Big Bang, it was an event that could not have been caused or created by anyone or anything. … So when people ask me if a god created the universe, I tell them the question itself makes no sense. Time didn’t exist before the Big Bang, so there is no time for God to make the universe in. It’s like asking for directions to the edge of the Earth. The Earth is a sphere. It does not have an edge, so looking for it is a futile exercise.”
-Stephen W. Hawking
“Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,-Wait and hope.”
-Alexandre Dumas
“What we have forgotten is that thoughts and words are conventions, and that it is fatal to take conventions too seriously. A convention is a social convenience, as, for example, money ... but it is absurd to take money too seriously, to confuse it with real wealth ... In somewhat the same way, thoughts, ideas and words are "coins" for real things.”
-Alan Wilson Watts
“This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.”
“It is too difficult to think nobly when one thinks only of earning a living.”
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“The secret of Buddhism is to remove all ideas, all concepts, in order for the truth to have a chance to penetrate, to reveal itself.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
“The moment you stop trying to become a better person, is the moment you start to become worse than what you already are.”
-Carroll Bryant
“The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else.”
-Frederic Bastiat
“God is an ever-receding pocket of? scientific ignorance.”
-Neil DeGrasse Tyson
“Regardless of the staggering dimensions of the world about us, the density of our ignorance, the risks of catastrophes to come, and our individual weakness within the immense collectivity, the fact remains that we are absolutely free today if we choose to will our existence in its finiteness, a finiteness which is open on the infinite. And in fact, any man who has known real loves, real revolts, real desires, and real will knows quite well that he has no need of any outside guarantee to be sure of his goals; their certitude comes from his own drive.”
-Simone De Beauvoir
“The bounties of space, of infinite outwardness, were three: empty heroics, low comedy, and pointless death.”
-Kurt Vonnegut
“Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power.”
-René Descartes
“Whether a thought is spoken or not it is a real thing and it has power," Tuek said. "You might find the line between life and death among the Fremen to be too sharp and quick.”
-Frank Herbert
“I would prefer a sword to fight duel, but a pen to plan a war.”
-Robert Thier
“Life is not about living the safer option. Life is about living a life worth living.”
-Robert Thier

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“All is mystery; but he is a slave who will not struggle to penetrate the dark veil.”
-Benjamin Disraeli
“I am one thing, my writings are another.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“All great things must first wear terrifying and monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“So now you must choose... Are you a child who has not yet become world-weary? Or are you a philosopher who will vow never to become so? To children, the world and everything in it is new, something that gives rise to astonishment. It is not like that for adults. Most adults accept the world as a matter of course. This is precisely where philosophers are a notable exception. A philosopher never gets quite used to the world. To him or her, the world continues to seem a bit unreasonable - bewildering, even enigmatic. Philosophers and small children thus have an important faculty in common. The only thing we require to be good philosophers is the faculty of wonder…”
-Jostein Gaarder
“Jokes of the proper kind, properly told, can do more to enlighten questions of politics, philosophy, and literature than any number of dull arguments.”
-Isaac Asimov
“I can accept anything, except what seems to be the easiest for most people: the half-way, the almost, the just-about, the in-between.”
-Ayn Rand
“My desire and wish is that the things I start with should be so obvious that you wonder why I spend my time stating them. This is what I aim at because the point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it.”
-Bertrand Russell
“The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses.”
-Edith Södergran
“Son, never trust a man who doesn’t drink because he’s probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They’re the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They’re usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they’re a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can’t trust a man who’s afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It’s damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he’s heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl.”
-James Crumley
“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”
-Henri Bergson
“Knowledge subverts love: in proportion as we penetrate our secrets, we come to loathe our kind, precisely because they resemble us.”
-Emil Cioran
“Leave the door open for the unknown, the door into the dark. That’s where the most important things come from, where you yourself came from, and where you will go.”
-Rebecca Solnit
“As long as we are children, we have the ability to experience things around us--but then we grow used to the world. To grow up is to get drunk on sensory experience.”
-Jostein Gaarder
“All paths are present, always... and we can but choose among them.”
-Jacqueline Carey
“I know that the molecules in my body are traceable to phenomena in the cosmos. That makes me want to grab people on the street and say: ‘Have you HEARD THIS?”
-Neil DeGrasse Tyson
“I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them.”
-Baruch Spinoza
“There isnt always an explanation for everything.”
-Ernest Hemingway
“As soon as you have made a thought, laugh at it.”
-Lao Tzu
“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it. If change is of the essence of existence one would have thought it only sensible to make it the premise of our philosophy.”
-W. Somerset Maugham
“The contemporary proliferation of bullshit also has deeper sources, in various forms of skepticism which deny that we can have any reliable access to an objective reality and which therefore reject the possibility of knowing how things truly are. These "anti-realist" doctrines undermine confidence in the value of disinterested efforts to determine what is true and what is false, and even in the intelligibility of the notion of objective inquiry. One response to this loss of confidence has been a retreat from the discipline required by dedication to the ideal of correctness to a quite different sort of discipline, which is imposed by pursuit of an alternative ideal of sincerity. Rather than seeking primarily to arrive at accurate representations of a common world, the individual turns toward trying to provide honest representations of himself. Convinced that reality has no inherent nature, which he might hope to identify as the truth about things, he devotes himself to being true to his own nature. It is as though he decides that since it makes no sense to try to be true to the facts, he must therefore try instead to be true to himself.But it is preposterous to imagine that we ourselves are determinate, and hence susceptible both to correct and to incorrect descriptions, while supposing that the ascription of determinacy to anything else has been exposed as a mistake. As conscious beings, we exist only in response to other things, and we cannot know ourselves at all without knowing them. Moreover, there is nothing in theory, and certainly nothing in experience, to support the extraordinary judgment that it is the truth about himself that is the easiest for a person to know. Facts about ourselves are not peculiarly solid and resistant to skeptical dissolution. Our natures are, indeed, elusively insubstantial -- notoriously less stable and less inherent than the natures of other things. And insofar as this is the case, sincerity itself is bullshit.”
-Harry G. Frankfurt
“To learn is not to know; there are the learners and the learned. Memory makes the one, philosophy the others.”
-Alexandre Dumas
“The meaning of earthly existence lies not, as we have grown used to thinking, in prospering but in the development of the soul.”
-Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
“The wealth required by nature is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity.”
“A prudent man should always follow in the path trodden by great men and imitate those who are most excellent, so that if he does not attain to their greatness, at any rate he will get some tinge of it.”
-Niccolo Machiavelli
“Stop longing. You poison today’s ease, reaching always for tomorrow.”
-Robin Hobb
“The treacherous are ever distrustful.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien
“If an angelic being fell from the sky and tried to live in this world of ours I think even they would commit many wrongs.”
-Sui Ishida
“No passion is stronger in the breast of a man than the desire to make others believe as he believes. Nothing so cuts at the root of his happiness and fills him with rage as the sense that another rates low what he prizes high.”
-Virginia Woolf
“Each star is a mirror reflecting the truth inside you.”
“Do not ruin today with mourning tomorrow.”
-Catherynne M. Valente

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“We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move.We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness insidethat holds whatever we want.We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner spacethat makes it livable.We work with being, but non-being is what we use.”
-Lao Tzu
“Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you.”
-Shannon L. Alder
“Truth would quickly cease to be stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.”
-H. L. Mencken
“I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it -- I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know -- but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me. However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”
-Virginia Satir
“Man was born for society. However little He may be attached to the World, He never can wholly forget it, or bear to be wholly forgotten by it. Disgusted at the guilt or absurdity of Mankind, the Misanthrope flies from it: He resolves to become an Hermit, and buries himself in the Cavern of some gloomy Rock. While Hate inflames his bosom, possibly He may feel contented with his situation: But when his passions begin to cool; when Time has mellowed his sorrows, and healed those wounds which He bore with him to his solitude, think you that Content becomes his Companion? Ah! no, Rosario. No longer sustained by the violence of his passions, He feels all the monotony of his way of living, and his heart becomes the prey of Ennui and weariness. He looks round, and finds himself alone in the Universe: The love of society revives in his bosom, and He pants to return to that world which He has abandoned. Nature loses all her charms in his eyes: No one is near him to point out her beauties, or share in his admiration of her excellence and variety. Propped upon the fragment of some Rock, He gazes upon the tumbling waterfall with a vacant eye, He views without emotion the glory of the setting Sun. Slowly He returns to his Cell at Evening, for no one there is anxious for his arrival; He has no comfort in his solitary unsavoury meal: He throws himself upon his couch of Moss despondent and dissatisfied, and wakes only to pass a day as joyless, as monotonous as the former.”
-Matthew Gregory Lewis
“To be alone is to be different, to be different is to be alone.”
-Suzanne Gordon
“To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“A man could be a lover and defender of the wilderness without ever in his lifetime leaving the boundaries of asphalt, powerlines, and right-angled surfaces. We need wilderness whether or not we ever set foot in it. We need a refuge even though we may never need to set foot in it. We need the possibility of escape as surely as we need hope; without it the life of the cities would drive all men into crime or drugs or psychoanalysis.”
-Edward Abbey
“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
-John Stuart Mill
“it is all very well for you to write simply and the simpler the better. But do not start to think so damned simply. Know how complicated it is and then state it simply.”
-Ernest Hemingway
“If a man has character, he has also his typical experience, which always recurs.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“If there were no eternal consciousness in a man, if at the bottom of everything there were only a wild ferment, a power that twisting in dark passions produced everything great or inconsequential; if an unfathomable, insatiable emptiness lay hid beneath everything, what would life be but despair?”
-Soren Kierkegaard
“...only in the surrender of the light could the darkness prevail.”
-David Eddings
“There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“All the times I have suddenly realized that my parents are dead, even now, it still surprises me, to exist in the world while that which made me has ceased to exist.”
-Nicole Krauss
“Imagine others complexly.”
-John Green
“Why are there beings at all, instead of Nothing?”
-Martin Heidegger
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few”
-Shunryu Suzuki
“How small a thought it takes to fill a life.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Comedy aims at representing men as worse, Tragedy as better than in actual life.”
“To be evenminded is the greatest virtue.Wisdom is to speakthe truth and actin keeping with its nature.”
“Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone one who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.”
“The only thing standing between you and your dreams is ... reluctance.”
-Carroll Bryant
“Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.”
“Any war that requires the suspension of reason as a necessity for support is a bad war.”
-Norman Mailer
“All sciences are vain and full of errors that are not born of Experience, the mother of all Knowledge.”
-Leonardo Da Vinci
“Experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger, portion of truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant.”
-Edgar Allan Poe
“To live entirely without a goal! I have glimpsed this state, and have often attained it, without managing to remain there: I am too weak for such happiness.”
-Émile Michel Cioran
“What sort of philosophers are we, who know absolutely nothing of the origin and destiny of cats?”
-Henry David Thoreau
“Philosophy can make people sick.”

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“The trouble was that he was talking in philosophy but they were listening in gibberish.”
-Terry Pratchett
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
-Eric Hoffer
“We’re built of contradictions, all of us. It’s those opposing forces that give us strength, like an arch, each block pressing the next. Give me a man whose parts are all aligned in agreement and I’ll show you madness. We walk a narrow path, insanity to each side. A man without contradictions to balance him will soon veer off.”
-Mark Lawrence
“Just as one spoils the stomach by overfeeding and thereby impairs the whole body, so can one overload and choke the mind by giving it too much nourishment. For the more one reads the fewer are the traces left of what one has read; the mind is like a tablet that has been written over and over. Hence it is impossible to reflect; and it is only by reflection that one can assimilate what one has read. If one reads straight ahead without pondering over it later, what has been read does not take root, but is for the most part lost.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“This place has only three exits, sir: Madness, and Death.”
-Rene Daumal
“Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Maker of the world, but degenerates once it gets into the hands of man”
-Jean-Jaques Rousseau
“Remember, it is not enough to be hit or insulted to be harmed, you must believe that you are being harmed. If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in the provocation. Which is why it is essential that we not respond impulsively to impressions; take a moment before reacting, and you will find it easier to maintain control.”
“When you draw something it lives and when you photograph it it dies”
-John Fowles
“Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.”
-Bob Proctor
“We feel that even if all possible scientific questions be answered, the problems of life have still not been touched at all.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Time is what keeps things from happening all at once.”
-Ann Brashares
“...when dogma enters the brain, all intellectual activity ceases. ”
-Robert Anton Wilson
“Plato was a bore.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions.”
-David Hume
“Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion. Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave and eats a bread it does not harvest. Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero, and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful. Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream, yet submits in its awakening. Pity the nation that raises not its voice save when it walks in a funeral, boasts not except among its ruins, and will rebel not save when its neck is laid between the sword and the block. Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox, whose philosopher is a juggler, and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting, and farewells him with hooting, only to welcome another with trumpeting again. Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years and whose strongmen are yet in the cradle. Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation.”
-Kahlil Gibran
“I do feel that I’ve managed to make something I could maybe call my world…over time…little by little. And when I’m inside it, to some extent, I feel kind of relieved. But the very fact I felt I had to make such a world probably means that I’m a weak person, that I bruise easily, don’t you think? And in the eyes of society at large, that world of mine is a puny little thing. It’s like a cardboard house: a puff of wind might carry it off somewhere.”
-Haruki Murakami
“If your life is worth thinking about,it is worth writing about.”
-Robin Sharma
“There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery”
-Dante Alighieri
“I only know that I know nothing”
“If only you would realize some day, how much have you hurt me,If only your heart ever, craves for me or my presence…If only you feel that love again someday for me,If only you are affected someday by my absence…Only you can end all my suffering and this unbearable pain,If only you would know what you could never procure…If only you go through the memories of past once again,Since the day you left my heart has bled, no one has its cure…If only you would bring that love, those showers and that rain…If only you would come back and see what damage you create,I’ve been waiting for your return since forever more…If only you would see the woman that you have made,You said we cannot sail through, how were you so sure?If only you can feel the old things that can never fade,You may have moved on, but a piece of my heart is still with you…I know how I’ve come so far alone; I know how I’m able to wade,People say that I’m insane and you won’t ever come back again…Maybe you would have never made your separate way,Maybe you would have stayed with me and proved everyone wrong…If only you would know the pain of dying every day,If only you would feel the burden of smiling and being strong…”
-Mehek Bassi
“Things always become obvious after the fact”
-Nassim Nicholas Taleb
“Show me that I m everywhere and get me home for tea.”
-George Harrison
“Teaism is a cult founded on the adoration of the beautiful among the sordid facts of everyday existence. It inculcates purity and harmony, the mystery of mutual charity, the romanticism of the social order. It is essentially a worship of the Imperfect, as it is a tender attempt to accomplish something possible in this impossible thing we know as life.”
-Kakuzo Okakura
“I do not think that tragedy is our natural fate and I do not live in chronic dread of disaster. It is no happiness, but suffering that I consider unnatural. It is not success, but calamity that I regard as the abnormal exception in Human Life.”
-Ayn Rand
“as soon as we renounce fiction and illusion, we lose reality itself; the moment we subtract fictions from reality, reality itself loses its discursive-logical consistency.”
-Slavoj Žižek
“The shame of being a man - is there any better reason to write?”
-Gilles Deleuze
“People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind. ”
-William Butler Yeats
“Good-humor is a philosophic state of mind; it seems to say to Nature that we take her no more seriously than she takes us. I maintain that one should always talk of philosophy with a smile.”
-William James
“Nothing is as it seems, but something is everything it is made out to be.”
-Carroll Bryant
“What then is truth? A movable host of metaphors, metonymies, and anthropomorphisms: in short, a sum of human relations which have been poetically and rhetorically intensified, transferred, and embellished, and which, after long usage, seem to a people to be fixed, canonical, and binding. Truths are illusions which we have forgotten are illusions — they are metaphors that have become worn out and have been drained of sensuous force.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

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“Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.”
“Everything is relative in this world, where change alone endures.”
-Leon Trotsky
“This inhuman place makes human monsters.”
-Stephen King
“Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace.”
“Everyone is the other and no one is himself.”
-Martin Heidegger
“A prison becomes a home when you have the key.”
-George Sterling
“To ridicule philosophy is really to philosophize.”
-Blaise Pascal
“...reality is always plural and mutable.”
-Robert Anton Wilson
“Too many people get credit for being good, when they are only being passive. They are too often praised for being broadminded when they are so broadminded they can never make up their minds about anything.”
-Fulton J. Sheen
“Between living and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess it.”
-Antonio Machado
“Truth is neither ojectivity nor the balanced view; truth is a selfless subjectivity.”
-Knut Hamsun
“A student, filled with emotion and crying, implored, "Why is there so much suffering?"Suzuki Roshi replied, "No reason.”
-Shunryu Suzuki
“Hope does not leave without being given permission.”
-Rick Riordan
“Love is our most unifying and empowering common spiritual denominator. The more we ignore its potential to bring greater balance and deeper meaning to human existence, the more likely we are to continue to define history as one long inglorious record of man’s inhumanity to man.”
“Nothing important is learned; it is simply remembered.”
-Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Who is to decide which is the grimmer sight: withered hearts, or empty skulls?”
-Honoré De Balzac
“Yet the ivory gods, And the ebony gods, And the gods of diamond-jade, Are only silly puppet gods That people themselves Have made.-”
-Langston Hughes
“I discovered that it is necessary, absolutely necessary, to believe in nothing. That is, we have to believe in something which has no form and no color--something which exists before all forms and colors appear... No matter what god or doctrine you believe in, if you become attached to it, your belief will be based more or less on a self-centered idea.”
-Shunryu Suzuki
“Philosophers are people who know less and less about more and more, until they know nothing about everything. Scientists are people who know more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing.”
-Konrad Lorenz
“She smiled. She knew she was dying. But it did not matter any longer. She had known something which no human words could ever tell and she knew it now. She had been awaiting it and she felt it, as if it had been, as if she had lived it. Life had been, if only because she had known it could be, and she felt it now as a hymn without sound, deep under the little whole that dripped red drops into the snow, deeper than that from which the red drops came. A moment or an eternity- did it matter? Life, undefeated, existed and could exist. She smiled, her last smile, to so much that had been possible.”
-Ayn Rand
“We are the sum of all people we have ever met; you change the tribe and the tribe changes you.”
-Dirk Wittenborn
“Absurdity is the ecstasy of intellectualism.”
-Criss Jami
“In a traditional German toilet, the hole into which shit disappears after we flush is right at the front, so that shit is first laid out for us to sniff and inspect for traces of illness. In the typical French toilet, on the contrary, the hole is at the back, i.e. shit is supposed to disappear as quickly as possible. Finally, the American (Anglo-Saxon) toilet presents a synthesis, a mediation between these opposites: the toilet basin is full of water, so that the shit floats in it, visible, but not to be inspected. [...] It is clear that none of these versions can be accounted for in purely utilitarian terms: each involves a certain ideological perception of how the subject should relate to excrement. Hegel was among the first to see in the geographical triad of Germany, France and England an expression of three different existential attitudes: reflective thoroughness (German), revolutionary hastiness (French), utilitarian pragmatism (English). In political terms, this triad can be read as German conservatism, French revolutionary radicalism and English liberalism. [...] The point about toilets is that they enable us not only to discern this triad in the most intimate domain, but also to identify its underlying mechanism in the three different attitudes towards excremental excess: an ambiguous contemplative fascination; a wish to get rid of it as fast as possible; a pragmatic decision to treat it as ordinary and dispose of it in an appropriate way. It is easy for an academic at a round table to claim that we live in a post-ideological universe, but the moment he visits the lavatory after the heated discussion, he is again knee-deep in ideology.”
-Slavoj Žižek
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.”
“Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle.”
-Vladimir Lenin
“In this age, the mere example of non-conformity, the mere refusal to bend the knee to custom, is itself a service. Precisely because the tyranny of opinion is such as to make eccentricity a reproach, it is desirable, in order to break through that tyranny, that people should be eccentric. Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character has abounded; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage which it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time.”
-John Stuart Mill
“Philosophy is common sense with big words.”
-James Madison
“The map is not the territory.”
-Alfred Korzybski
“When you come to the edge of all that you know, you must believe one of two things: either there will be ground to stand on, or you will be given wings to fly.”
-O.R. Melling
“Philosophy is really nostalgia, the desire to be at home.”

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“Whoever cannot seek the unforeseen sees nothing for the known way is an impasse.”
“Now, my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose. I have read and heard many attempts at a systematic account of it, from materialism and theosophy to the Christian system or that of Kant, and I have always felt that they were much too simple. I suspect that there are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of, in any philosophy. That is the reason why I have no philosophy myself, and must be my excuse for dreaming.”
-J. B. S. Haldane
“We grown-up people think that we appreciate music, but if we realized the sense that an infant has brought with it of appreciating sound and rhythm, we would never boast of knowing music. The infant is music itself.”
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
“People who fit don’t seek. The seekers are those that don’t fit.”
-Shannon L. Alder
“I felt the taste of mortality in my mouth, and at that moment I understood that I was not going to live forever. It takes a long time to learn that, but when you finally do, everything changes inside you, you can never be the same again. I was seventeen years old, and all of a sudden, without the slightest flicker of a doubt, I understood that my life was my own, that it belonged to me and no one else.I’m talking about freedom, Fogg. A sense of despair that becomes so great, so crushing, so catastrophic, that you have no choice but to be liberated by it. That’s the only choice, or else you crawl into a corner and die.”
-Paul Auster
“Whatever one man does, it is as if all men did it. For that reason, it is not unfair that one disobedience in a garden should contaminate all humanity; for that reason it is not unjust that the crucifixion of a single Jew should be sufficient to save it.”
-Jorge Luis Borges
“Love is not a relationship, love is a state of being; it has nothing to do with anybody else. One is not "in love", one is love. And of course when one is love, one is in love – but that is an outcome, a by-product, that is not the source. The source is that one is love.”
“Remember your humanity, and forget the rest.”
-Bertrand Russell
“...the rarest of all human qualities is consistency.”
-Jeremy Bentham
“For your past, for your flaws, and ultimately for your stress; I judge no one whom I’ve met along the way because in a sense we were all wounded in our own ways.”
-Forrest Curran
“Many of our most serious conflicts are conflicts within ourselves. Those who suppose their judgements are always consistent are unreflective or dogmatic.”
-John Rawls
“The more powerful the class, the more it claims not to exist.”
-Guy Debord
“A great tree develops over time and can tell stories not only those of happiness, but also those that contain pain from what it has seen over the years, and as a result is the wise ancient tree that it is today. As the seasons change, the tree naturally goes through changes as well: where the leaves turn yellow and orange in the fall, falling by the Winter, returning in the Spring, and with full set of new leafs by the Summer. Love is no different in that there will be times when we are fully naked in the Winter, and left to wonder about Spring when it seemed so easy to love, yet the wise tree knows that no winter will last forever no matter how cold it may be.”
-Forrest Curran
“We become so absorbed in our flaws and faults that we forget that it is better to be a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. To have flaws is beauty in itself, a fact so frightening that we hurry to hide them from sight and tarnish the whole in the process of comparing ourselves to others.”
-Forrest Curran
“As I naturally go through a full range of emotions in my life, I mustn’t feel ashamed for feeling lost, for it is honest and human to feel such.”
-Forrest Curran
“In football everything is complicated by the presence of the opposite team.”
-Jean-Paul Sartre
“One day in my shoes and a day for me in your shoes, the beauty of travel lies in the ease and willingness to be more open.”
-Forrest Curran
“Some we proudly display on our arms, while others we shyly conceal. Tattoo the moments of sorrow as well as the moments of splendor and beauty. Tattoo in an acknowledgment and tribute to home, and tattooing your beliefs that define who you are. Whether we intended to or not, every moment of our lives are tattooed to our heart.”
-Forrest Curran
“Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class - whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy.- Politics as Repeat Phenomenon: Bene Gesserit Training Manual”
-Frank Herbert
“Wisdom is the oneness of mind that guides and permeates all things.”
“It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours.”
-Diogenes Of Sinope
“Despair is the price one pays for setting oneself an impossible aim. It is, one is told, the unforgivable sin, but it is a sin the corrupt or evil man never practices. He always has hope. He never reaches the freezing-point of knowing absolute failure. Only the man of goodwill carries always in his heart this capacity for damnation.”
-Graham Greene
“Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see, but it is impossible. Humans hide their secrets too well....”
-Rene Magritte
“False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.”
“Socrates: Have you noticed on our journey how often the citizens of this new land remind each other it is a free country? Plato: I have, and think it odd they do this.Socrates: How so, Plato?Plato: It is like reminding a baker he is a baker, or a sculptor he is asculptor.Socrates: You mean to say if someone is convinced of their trade, they haveno need to be reminded.Plato: That is correct.Socrates: I agree. If these citizens were convinced of their freedom, they would not need reminders.”
-E.A. Bucchianeri
“The wild worship of lawlessness and the materialist worship of law end in the same void. Nietzsche scales staggering mountains, but he turns up ultimately in Tibet. He sits down beside Tolstoy in the land of nothing and Nirvana. They are both helpless—one because he must not grasp anything, and the other because he must not let go of anything. The Tolstoyan’s will is frozen by a Buddhist instinct that all special actions are evil. But the Nietzscheite’s will is quite equally frozen by his view that all special actions are good; for if all special actions are good, none of them are special. They stand at the crossroads, and one hates all the roads and the other likes all the roads. The result is—well, some things are not hard to calculate. They stand at the cross-roads.”
-G.K. Chesterton
“The thoughts of all men arise from the darkness. If you are the movement of your soul, and the cause of that movement precedes you, then how could you ever call your thoughts your own? How could you be anything other than a slave to the darkness that comes before?”
-R. Scott Bakker
“The truth always carries the ambiguity of the words used to express it.”
-Frank Herbert
“Those who are without compassion cannot see what is seen with the eyes of compassion.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
“It is a self-deception of philosophers and moralists to imagine that they escape decadence by opposing it. That is beyond their will; and, however little they acknowledge it, one later discovers that they were among the most powerful promoters of decadence.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“Mankind flung its advance agents ever outward, ever outward. Eventually it flung them out into space, into the colorless, tasteless, weightless sea of outwardness without end. It flung them like stones.”
-Kurt Vonnegut
“Do you shovel to survive, or survive to shovel?”
-K?b? Abe
“Hope is a passion for the possible.”
-Søren Kierkegaard
“In my opinion, our health care system has failed when a doctor fails to treat an illness that is treatable.”
-Kevin Alan Lee
“Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or silly action for no other reason than because he knows he should not? Have we not a perpetual inclination, in the teeth of our best judgement, to violate that which is Law, merely because we understand it to be such?”
-Edgar Allan Poe
“Everybody knows that Aristotelian two-value logic is fucked.”
-Philip K. Dick
“To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated.”
-James P. Carse
“Freedom is obedience to self-formulated rules.”
“For the survivor who chooses to testify, it is clear: his duty is to bear witness for the dead and for the living. He has no right to deprive future generations of a past that belongs to our collective memory. To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive; to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.”
-Elie Wiesel
“The point of modernity is to live a life without illusions while not becoming disillusioned”
-Antonio Gramsci
“I remember growing up, saying you’re an artist it sounds pretentious but now it’s one of the only dignified things that you can call yourself. ”
-Marilyn Manson
“To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity and trust.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“Philosophy cannot be taught; it is the application of the sciences to truth.”
-Alexandre Dumas
“Of course there is no formula for success, except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life, and what it brings”
-Arthur Rubinstein
“You become mature when you become the authority of your own life.”
-Joseph Campbell
“The discovery of what is true and the practice of that which is good are the two most important aims of philosophy.”
“I believe that the universe was formed around 15 billion years ago and that humans have evolved from their apelike ancestors over the past few million years. I believe we are more likely to live a good life if all humans try to work together in a world community, preserving planet earth. When decisions for groups are made in this world, I believe that the democratic process should be used. To protect the individual, I believe in freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom from religion, freedom of inquiry, and a wall of separation between church and state. When making decisions about what is right or wrong, I believe I should use my intelligence to reason about the likely consequences of my actions. I believe that I should try to increase the happiness of everyone by caring for other people and finding ways to cooperate. Never should my actions discriminate against people simply because of their race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, or national origin. I believe that ideas about what is right and wrong will change with education, so I am prepared to continually question ideas using evidence from experience and science. I believe there is no valid evidence to support claims for the existence of supernatural entities and deities. I will use these beliefs to guide my thinking and my actions until I find good reasons for revising them or replacing them with other beliefs that are more valid.”
-Ronald P. Carver
“All things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams.”
-Elias Canetti
“A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Few if any seemed to have grasped the Principle of Reality; new knowledge leads always to yet more awesome mysteries. Greater physiological knowledge of the brain makes the existence of the soul less possible yet more probable by the nature of the search.”
-Stephen King
“Life... is a paradise to what we fear of death.”
-William Shakespeare
“If we wish to draw philosophical conclusions about our own existence, our significance, and the significance of the universe itself, our conclusions should be based on empirical knowledge. A truly open mind means forcing our imaginations to conform to the evidence of reality, and not vice versa, whether or not we like the implications.”
-Lawrence M. Krauss
“A breeze, a forgotten summer, a smile, all can fit into a storefront window.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“Accustom yourself to the belief that death is of no concern to us, since all good and evil lie in sensation and sensation ends with death. Therefore the true belief that death is nothing to us makes a mortal life happy, not by adding to it an infinite time, but by taking away the desire for immortality. For there is no reason why the man who is thoroughly assured that there is nothing to fear in death should find anything to fear in life. So, too, he is foolish who says that he fears death, not because it will be painful when it comes, but because the anticipation of it is painful; for that which is no burden when it is present gives pain to no purpose when it is anticipated. Death, the most dreaded of evils, is therefore of no concern to us; for while we exist death is not present, and when death is present we no longer exist. It is therefore nothing either to the living or to the dead since it is not present to the living, and the dead no longer are.”
“Philosophy is the highest music.”
“I had to philosophize. Otherwise, I could not live in this world.”
-Edmund Husserl
“if you want it really, you get it !!!”
-Ravinder Singh
“Sin sorpresas, aunque sean disagredables, nadie estaria dispuesto a vivir.”
-David Olguin
“All are one”
“Perhaps what I am about to say will appear strange to you gentlemen, socialists, progressives, humanitarians as you are, but I never worry about my neighbor, I never try to protect society which does not protect me -- indeed, I might add, which generally takes no heed of me except to do me harm -- and, since I hold them low in my esteem and remain neutral towards them, I believe that society and my neighbor are in my debt.”
-Alexandre Dumas

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“We follow the ways of wolves, the habits of tigers: or, rather we are worse than they. To them nature has assigned that they should be thus fed, while God has honoured us with rational speech and a sense of equity. And yet we are become worse than the wild beast.”
-John Chrysostom
“The best consolation in misfortune or affliction of any kind will be the thought of other people who are in a still worse plight than yourself; and this is a form of consolation open to every one. But what an awful fate this means for mankind as a whole! We are like lambs in a field, disporting themselves under the eye of the butcher, who chooses out first one and then another for his prey.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“Chiron had said once that nations were the most foolish of mortal inventions. “No man is worth more than another, wherever he is from.”“But what if he is your friend?” Achilles had asked him, feet kicked up on the wall of the rose-quartz cave. “Or your brother? Should you treat him the same as a stranger?”“You ask a question that philosophers argue over,” Chiron had said. “He is worth more to you, perhaps. But the stranger is someone else’s friend and brother. So which life is more important?”We had been silent. We were fourteen, and these things were too hard for us. Now that we are twenty-seven, they still feel too hard.He is half of my soul, as the poets say. He will be dead soon, and his honor is all that will remain. It is his child, his dearest self. Should I reproach him for it? I have saved Briseis. I cannot save them all.I know, now, how I would answer Chiron. I would say: there is no answer. Whichever you choose, you are wrong.”
-Madeline Miller
“A philosopher knows that in reality he knows very little. That is why he constantly strives to achieve true insight. Socrates was one of these rare people. He knew that he knew nothing about life and about the world. And now comes the important part: it troubled him that he knew so little.”
-Jostein Gaarder
“Who is wise? He that learns from everyone. Who is powerful? He that governs his passions. Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.”
-Benjamin Franklin
“Eccentricity is not, as some would believe, a form of madness. It is often a kind of innocent pride, and the man of genius and the aristocrat are frequently regarded as eccentrics because genius and aristocrat are entirely unafraid of and uninfluenced by the opinions and vagaries of the crowd.”
-Edith Sitwell
“Never say that I have taken it, only that I have given it back.”
“We sinned for no reason but an incomprehensible lack of love, and He saved us for no reason but an incomprehensible excess of love.”
-Peter Kreeft
“Men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge.”
-Niccolò Machiavelli
“It was time to take the pumpkin out of the pot and eat it. In the final analysis, that was what solved these big problems of life. You could think and think and get nowhere, but you still had to eat your pumpkin. That brought you down to earth. That gave you a reason for going on. Pumpkin.”
-Alexander McCall Smith
“In practice people who study philosophy too long become very odd birds, not to say thoroughly vicious; while even those who are the best of them are reduced by...[philosophy] to complete uselessness as members of society.”
“Whole life is a search for beauty. But, when the beauty is found inside, the search ends and a beautiful journey begins.”
-Harshit Walia
“People ought to fight to keep their law as to defend the citys walls.”
“Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?”
-Bertrand Russell
“In the end mortals always expired before faeries. They were such finite creatures. Their first heartbeat and breath were but a blink from death. To add the weight of nourishing his insatiable court in a time of peace was to hasten that unconscionably.”
-Melissa Marr
“To live is not to breathe but to act. It is to make use of our organs, our senses, our faculties, of all the parts of ourselves which give us the sentiment of our existence. The man who has lived the most is not he who has counted the most years but he who has most felt life.”
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Imagine that one day you are out for a walk in the woods. Suddenly you see a small spaceship on the path in front of you. A tiny Martian climbs out the spaceship and stands on the ground looking up at you…What would you think? Never mind, it’s not important. But have you ever given any thought to the fact that you are a Martian yourself?It is obviously unlikely that you will ever stumble upon a creature from another planet. We do not even know that there is life on other planets. But you might stumble upon yourself one day. You might suddenly stop short and see yourself in a completely new light. On just such a walk in the woods. I am an extraordinary being, you think. I am a mysterious creature.You feel as if you are waking from an enchanted slumber. Who am I? you ask. You know that you are stumbling around on a planet in the universe. But what is the universe?If you discover yourself in this manner you will have discovered something as mysterious as the Martian we just mentioned. You will not only have seen a being from outer space. You will feel deep down that you are yourself an extraordinary being.”
-Jostein Gaarder
“How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young? ”
-Paul Sweeney
“The best ideas are common property”
“Sit still with me in the shade of these green trees, which have no weightier thought than the withering of their leaves when autumn arrives, or the stretching of their many stiff fingers into the cold sky of the passing winter. Sit still with me and meditate on how useless effort is, how alien the will, and on how our very meditation is no more useful than effort, and no more our own than the will. Meditate too on how a life that wants nothing can have no weight in the flux of things, but a life the wants everything can likewise have no weight in the flux of things, since it cannot obtain everything, and to obtain less than everything is not worthy of souls that seek the truth.”
-Fernando Pessoa
“The square root of I is I.”
-Vladimir Nabokov
“There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.”
-Mark Twain
“An age cannot bind itself and ordain to put the succeeding one into such a condition that it cannot extend its (at best very occasional) knowledge , purify itself of errors, and progress in general enlightenment. That would be a crime against human nature, the proper destination of which lies precisely in this progress and the descendants would be fully justified in rejecting those decrees as having been made in an unwarranted and malicious manner.The touchstone of everything that can be concluded as a law for a people lies in the question whether the people could have imposed such a law on itself.”
-Immanuel Kant
“Imagine that you were on the threshold of this fairytale, sometime billions of years ago when everything was created. And you were able to choose whether you wanted to be born to a life on this planet at some point. You wouldn’t know when you were going to be born, nor how long you’d live for, but at any event it wouldn’t be more than a few years. All you’d know was that, if you chose to come into the world at some point, you’d also have to leave it again one day and go away from everything. This might cause you a good deal of grief, as lots of people think that life in the great fairytale is so wonderful that the mere thought of it ending can bring tears to their eyes. Things can be so nice here that it’s terribly painful to think that at some point the days will run out. What would you have chosen, if there had been some higher power that had gave you the choice? Perhaps we can imagine some sort of cosmic fairy in this great, strange fairytale. What you have chosen to live a life on earth at some point, whether short or long, in a hundred thousand or a hundred million years? Or would you have refused to join in the game because you didn’t like the rules? (...) I asked myself the same question maybe times during the past few weeks. Would I have elected to live a life on earth in the firm knowledge that I’d suddenly be torn away from it, and perhaps in the middle of intoxicating happiness? (...) Well, I wasn’t sure what I would have chosen. (...) If I’d chosen never to the foot inside the great fairytale, I’d never have known what I’ve lost. Do you see what I’m getting at? Sometimes it’s worse for us human beings to lose something dear to us than never to have had it at all.”
-Jostein Gaarder
“The only safe thing is to take a chance.”
-Elaine May
“Like a wild animal, the soul is tough, resilient, resourceful, savvy, and self-sufficient: it knows how to survive in hard places. I learned about these qualities during my bouts with depression. In that deadly darkness, the faculties I had always depended on collapsed. My intellect was useless; my emotions were dead; my will was impotent; my ego was shattered. But from time to time, deep in the thickets of my inner wilderness, I could sense the presence of something that knew how to stay alive even when the rest of me wanted to die. That something was my tough and tenacious soul.”
-Parker J. Palmer
“Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attibutable to science, which achieved its most spectacular triumphs in the seventeenth century.”
-Bertrand Russell
“Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.”
-Immanuel Kant
“Rockabye Baby, in the treetopDont you know a treetopis no safe place to rock?And who put you up there,and your cradle too?Baby,I think someone down herehas got it in for you!”
-Shel Silverstein
“We feel most alive when we are closest to death.”
-Nenia Campbell

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“And last are the few whose delight is in meditation and understanding; who yearn not for goods, nor for victory, but for knowledge; who leave both market and battlefield to lose themselves in the quiet clarity of secluded thought; whose will is a light rather than a fire, whose haven is not power but truth: these are the men of wisdom, who stand aside unused by the world.”
-Will Durant
“Let mental culture go on advancing, let the natural sciences progress in even greater extent and depth, and the human mind widen itself as much as it desires: beyond the elevation and moral culture of Christianity, as it shines forth in the Gospels, it will not go.”
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
“She remembered who she wasand the game changed.”
-Lalah Delia
“There are times when wisdom cannot be found in the chambers of parliament or the halls of academia but at the unpretentious setting of the kitchen table.”
-E.A. Bucchianeri
“Were we incapable of empathy – of putting ourselves in the position of others and seeing that their suffering is like our own – then ethical reasoning would lead nowhere. If emotion without reason is blind, then reason without emotion is impotent.”
-Peter Singer
“I knew I was alone in a way that no earthling has ever been before.”
-Michael Collins
“The stronger a culture, the less it fears the radical fringe. The more paranoid and precarious a culture, the less tolerance it offers.”
-Joel Salatin
“People will not remember what you did for living,they will remember how you touched them with kindness and loving.”
-Debasish Mridha M.D.
“The Copenhagen Interpretation is sometimes called "model agnosticism" and holds that any grid we use to organize our experience of the world is a model of the world and should not be confused with the world itself. Alfred Korzybski, the semanticist, tried to popularize this outside physics with the slogan, "The map is not the territory." Alan Watts, a talented exegete of Oriental philosophy, restated it more vividly as "The menu is not the meal.”
-Robert Anton Wilson
“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.”
-Immanuel Kant
“Calling sex by its name thereafter [the 17th c.] became more difficult and more costly. As if in order to gain mastery of it in reality, it had first been necessary to subjugate it at the level of language, control its free circulation in speech, expunge it from the things that were said, and extinguish the words that rendered it too visibly present. ”
-Foucault Michel
“To study philosophy is nothing but to prepare one’s self to die.”
-Marcus Tullius Cicero
“If you wake up tired, you’ve been chasing dreams. If you go to bed tired, your making your dreams happen.”
-Benny Bellamacina
“How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?”
“The man who alters his way of thinking to suit others is a fool.”
-Marquis De Sade
“We are a society of notoriously unhappy people: lonely, anxious, depressed, destructive, dependent — people who are glad when we have killed the time we are trying so hard to save.”
-Erich Fromm
“Pactum serva" - "Keep the faith”
“There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it.”
-R. Dawkins
“Time deals gently only with those who take it gently.”
-Anatole France
“Out of love for mankind, and out of despair at my embarrassing situation, seeing that I had accomplished nothing and was unable to make anything easier than it had already been made, and moved by a genuine interest in those who make everything easy, I conceived it as my task to create difficulties everywhere.”
-Søren Kierkegaard
“He who is more mindful of one, loses the love and the faith of both.”
-Khalil Gibran
“Only by examining our personal biases can we truly grow as artists; only by cultivating empathy can we truly grow as people.”
-Jen Knox
“There is your truth and there is my truth. As for the universal truth, it does not exist.”
-Amish Tripathi
“The love of money is the root of all evil, therefore selfishness must be the seed.”
-M.D. Birmingham
“And, drunk with my own madness, I shouted at him furiously, "Make life beautiful! Make life beautiful!”
-Charles Baudelaire
“Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity.”
“I strive for perfection - I settle for satisfaction”
-Carroll Bryant
“The greatest untold story is the evolution of God.”
-G.I. Gurdjieff
“We do not have to be mental health professionals to identify the traits of the possible sociopaths among us.”
-P.A. Speers
“We can speak and think only of what exists. And what exists is uncreated and imperishable for it is whole and unchanging and complete. It was not or nor shall be different since it is now, all at once, one and continuous.”

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“No Gods Or Kings. Only Man. -Andrew Ryan”
-John Shirley
“Observe the movements of the stars as if you were running their courses with them, and let your mind constantly dwell on the changes of the elements into each other. Such imaginings wash away the filth of life on the ground.”
-Marcus Aurelius
“Mother used to say that however miserable one is, there’s always something to be thankful for. And each morning, when the sky brightened and light began to flood my cell, I agreed with her.”
-Albert Camus
“Whether you take the doughnut hole as a blank space or as an entity unto itself is a purely metaphysical question and does not affect the taste of the doughnut one bit.”
“I’m not superstitious. I’m a witch. Witches aren’t superstitious. We are what people are superstitious of.”
-Terry Pratchett
“To be an outlaw you must first have a base in law to reject and get out of, I never had such a base. I never had a place I could call home that meant any more than a key to a house, apartment or hotel room. … Am I alien? Alien from what exactly? Perhaps my home is my dream city, more real than my waking life precisely because it has no relation to waking life…”
-William S. Burroughs
“My heart knows what my mind only think it knows.”
-Noah BenShea
“The day may come when the rest of animal creation may acquire those rights which never could have been withholden from them but by the hand of tyranny. The French have already discovered that the blackness of the skin is no reason why a human being should be abandoned without redress to the caprice of a tormentor. It may one day come to be recognized that the number of legs, the villosity of the skin, or the termination of the os sacrum are reasons equally insufficient for abandoning a sensitive being to the same fate. What else is it that should trace the insuperable line? Is it the faculty of reason, or perhaps the faculty of discourse? But a full-grown horse or dog is beyond comparison a more rational, as well as a more conversable animal, than an infant of a day or a week or even a month old. But suppose they were otherwise, what would it avail? The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?”
-Jeremy Bentham
“This is the secret of life: the self lives only by dying, finds its identity (and its happiness) only by self-forgetfulness, self-giving, self-sacrifice, and agape love.”
-Peter Kreeft
“A prince must not have any other object nor any other thought… but war, its institutions, and its discipline; because that is the only art befitting one who commands.”
-Niccolò Machiavelli
“How very paltry and limited the normal human intellect is, and how little lucidity there is in the human consciousness, may be judged from the fact that, despite the ephemeral brevity of human life, the uncertainty of our existence and the countless enigmas which press upon us from all sides, everyone does not continually and ceaselessly philosophize, but that only the rarest of exceptions do.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“No man was ever yet a great poet, without at the same time being a profound philosopher.”
-Samuel Coleridge
“Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.”
“All things of the body stream away like a river, all things of the mind are dreams and delusion; life is warfare, and a visit to a strange land; the only lasting fame is oblivion.”
-Marcus Aurelius
“Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought. A theory however elegant and economical must be rejected or revised if it is untrue; likewise laws and institutions no matter how efficient and well-arranged must be reformed or abolished if they are unjust. Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. For this reason justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by a greater good shared by others. It does not allow that the sacrifices imposed on a few are outweighed by the larger sum of advantages enjoyed by many. Therefore in a just society the liberties of equal citizenship are taken as settled; the rights secured by justice are not subject to political bargaining or to the calculus of social interests.”
-John Rawls
“The man who has not the habit of reading is imprisoned in his immediate world, in respect to time and space. His life falls into a set routine; he is limited to contact and conversation with a few friends and acquaintances, and he sees only what happens in his immediate neighbourhood. From this prison there is no escape. But the moment he takes up a book, he immediately enters a different world, and if it is a good book, he is immediately put in touch with one of the best talkers of the world. This talker leads him on and carries him into a different country or a different age, or unburdens to him some of his personal regrets, or discusses with him some special line or aspect of life that the reader knows nothing about. An ancient author puts him in communion with a dead spirit of long ago, and as he reads along, he begins to imagine what the ancient author looked like and what type of person he was.”
-Lin Yutang
“Youth is an intoxication without wine, someone says. Life is an intoxication. The only sober man is the melancholiac, who, disenchanted, looks at life, sees it as it really is, and cuts his throat. If this be so, I want to be very drunk. The great thing is to live, to clutch at our existence and race away with it in some great and enthralling pursuit. Above all, I must beware of all ultimate questions- they are too maddeningly unanswerable- let me eschew philosophy and burn Omar.”
-W.N.P. Barbellion
“Know you not that a good man does nothing for appearance sake, but for the sake of having done right?”
“Let whoever can do so deceive me, he will never bring it about that I am nothing, so long as I continue to think I am something.”
-Descartes René 1596-1650
“Philosophy begins in wonder. And at the end when philosophic thought has done its best the wonder remains.”
-Alfred North Whitehead
“The more he identifies with the dominant images of need, the less he understands his own life and his own desires. The spectacle’s estrangement from the acting subject is expressed by the fact that the individual’s gestures are no longer his own; they are the gestures of someone else who represents them to him.”
-Guy Debord
“The only moral it is possible to draw from this story is that one should never throw the Q letter into a privet bush, but unfortunately there are times when it is unavoidable.”
-Douglas Adams
“Asshole Proximity Disorder”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Muhabbat apni marzi se khulay pinjray main totay ki tarha bethnay ki salaahiyat hai. Muhabbat is ghulami ka toq hai jo insaan khud apnay ekhtyar se galay main dalta hai”
-Bano Qudsiyah
“Not how the world is, but that it is, is the mystery.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.”
-Cindy Ross
“Young people everywhere have been allowed to choose between love and a garbage disposal unit. Everywhere they have chosen the garbage disposal unit.”
-Guy Debord
“If an apology is followed by an excuse or a reason, it means they are going to commit same mistake again they just apologized for.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Creation and destruction are the two ends of the same moment. And everything between the creation and the next destruction is the journey of life.”
-Amish Tripathi
“I knew a man who gave twenty years of his life to a scatterbrained woman, sacrificing everything to her, his friendships, his work, the very respectability of his life and who one evening recognized that he had never loved her. He had been bored, thats all, bored like most people. Hence he had made himself out of whole cloth a life full of complications and drama. Something must happen and that explains most human commitments. Something must happen even loveless slavery, even war or death.”
-Albert Camus

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“There are 10,000 books in my library, and it will keep growing until I die. This has exasperated my daughters, amused my friends and baffled my accountant. If I had not picked up this habit in the library long ago, I would have more money in the bank today; I would not be richer.”
-Pete Hamill
“Philosophy when superficially studied, excites doubt, when thoroughly explored, it dispels it.”
-Francis Bacon
“Beyond the fiction of reality, there is the reality of the fiction.”
-Slavoj Žižek
“I’ve always hated the “Who are you?" question. This is a philosophical inquiry. Answering that question is why we’re on earth. You can’t answer it in thirty seconds or in an elevator.”
-Sandy Nathan
“As soon as a religion comes to dominate it has as its opponents all those who would have been its first disciples. ”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“It is the privilege of the gods to want nothing, and of godlike men to want little.”
-Diogenes Of Sinope
“I always thought old age would be a writer’s best chance. Whenever I read the late work of Goethe or W. B. Yeats I had the impertinence to identify with it. Now, my memory’s gone, all the old fluency’s disappeared. I don’t write a single sentence without saying to myself, ‘It’s a lie!’ So I know I was right. It’s the best chance I’ve ever had.”
-Samuel Beckett
“The final belief is to believe in a fiction, which you know to be a fiction, there being nothing else. The exquisite truth is to know that it is a fiction and that you believe in it willingly.”
-Wallace Stevens
“No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong is what is against it.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
“We are living in the era of premeditation and the perfect crime. Our criminals are no longer helpless children who could plead love as their excuse. On the contrary, they are adults and the have the perfect alibi: philosophy, which can be used for any purpose - even for transforming murderers into judges.”
-Albert Camus
“[A]ny species that exempts itself from the rules of competition ends up destroying the community in order to support its own expansion.”
-Daniel Quinn
“Imagining that you are deep and complex, but others are simple, is one of the primary signs of malignant selfishness.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“[On what young husbands should say to their wives:] I have taken you in my arms, and I love you, and I prefer you to my life itself. For the present life is nothing, and my most ardent dream is to spend it with you in such a way that we may be assured of not being separated in the life reserved for us... I place your love above all things, and nothing would be more bitter or painful to me than to be of a different mind than you.”
-John Chrysostom
“Consciousness is a mystery that faces the mystery of potential and transforms it into actuality. We do that with every choice we make. Our choices determine the destiny of the world. By making a choice, you alter the structure of reality.”
-Jordan B. Peterson
“My view is that if your philosophy is not unsettled daily then you are blind to all the universe has to offer.”
-Neil DeGrasse Tyson
“In life man commits himself and draws his own portrait, outside of which there is nothing. No doubt this thought may seem harsh to someone who has not made a success of his life. But on the other hand, it helps people to understand that reality alone counts, and that dreams, expectations and hopes only serve to define a man as a broken dream, aborted hopes, and futile expectations.”
-Jean-Paul Sartre
“We are here and it is now. The way I see it is, after that, everything tends towards guesswork.”
-Terry Pratchett
“The Study of philosophy is not that we may know what men have thought, but what the truth of things is. ”
-St. Thomas Aquinas
“Here is my final point. About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography and smoking and everything else. What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I fuck, what I take into my body - as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet?”
-Bill Hicks
“By what men think, we create the world around us, daily new.”
-Marion Zimmer Bradley
“Neither the sun nor death can be looked at steadily.”
-La Rochefoucauld
“I am dead because I lack desire,I lack desire because I think I possess,I think I possess because I do not try to give,In trying to give, you see that you have nothing,Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself,Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing,Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become,In desiring to become, you begin to live.”
-Rene Daumal
“But love, like the sun that it is, sets afire and melts everything. what greed and privilege to build up over whole centuries the indignation of a pious spirit, with its natural following of oppressed souls, will cast down with a single shove.”
-Jose Marti
“In the high country of the mind one has to become adjusted to the thinner air of uncertainty...”
-Robert M. Pirsig
“I am a citizen of the world.”
-Diogenes Of Sinope
“The five points of yama, together with the five points of niyama, remind us of the Ten Commandments of the Christtian and Jewish faiths, as well as of the ten virtues of Buddhism. In fact, there is no religion without these moral or ethical codes. All spiritual life should be based on these things. They are the foundation stones without which we can never build anything lasting. (127)”
-Sri S. Satchidananda
“Patience is the only way you can endure the gray periods.”
-Teri Hatcher
“No man is crushed by misfortune unless he has first been deceived by prosperity”
“Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.”
-Amit Ray
“If just one of [those people] experiences life as a crazy adventure--and I mean that he, or she, experiences this every single day... Then he or she is a joker in a pack of cards.”
-Jostein Gaarder

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“The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest-Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure.”
-John Stuart Mill
“Ownership is not limited to material things. It can also apply to points of view. Once we take ownership of an idea — whether it’s about politics or sports — what do we do? We love it perhaps more than we should. We prize it more than it is worth. And most frequently, we have trouble letting go of it because we can’t stand the idea of its loss. What are we left with then? An ideology — rigid and unyielding.”
-Dan Ariely
“Skepticism is thus a resting-place for human reason, where it can reflect upon its dogmatic wanderings and make survey of the region in which it finds itself, so that for the future it may be able to choose its path with more certainty. But it is no dwelling-place for permanent settlement. Such can be obtained only through perfect certainty in our knowledge, alike of the objects themselves and of the limits within which all our knowledge of objects is enclosed.”
-Immanuel Kant
“In the battle that is philosophy all the techniques of war, including looting and camouflage, are permissible.”
-Louis Althusser
“An attempt to achieve the good by force is like an attempt to provide a man with a picture gallery at the price of cutting out his eyes.”
-Ayn Rand
“Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of production and trade...”
-Ayn Rand
“a spider and a flyi heard a spiderand a fly arguingwait said the flydo not eat mei serve a great purposein the worldyou will have toshow me said the spideri scurry aroundgutters and sewersand garbage canssaid the fly and gatherup the germs oftyphoid influenzaand pneumonia on my feetand wingsthen i carry these germsinto households of menand give them diseasesall the people whohave lived the rightsort of life recoverfrom the diseasesand the old soaks whohave weakened their systemswith liquor and iniquitysuccumb it is my missionto help rid the worldof these wicked personsi am a vessel of righteousnessscattering seeds of justiceand serving the noblest usesit is true said the spiderthat you are moreuseful in a ploddingmaterial sort of waythan i am but i do notserve the utilitarian deitiesi serve the gods of beautylook at the gossamer websi weave they float in the sunlike filaments of songif you get what i meani do not work at anythingi play all the timei am busy with the stuffof enchantment and the materialsof fairyland my workstranscend utilityi am the artista creator and demi godit is ridiculous to supposethat i should be deniedthe food i need in orderto continue to createbeauty i tell youplainly mister fly it is alldamned nonsense for that foodto rear up on its hind legsand say it should not be eatenyou have convinced mesaid the fly say no moreand shutting all his eyeshe prepared himself for dinnerand yet he said i couldhave made out a casefor myself too if i hadhad a better line of talkof course you could said the spiderclutching a sirloin from himbut the end would have beenjust the same if neither ofus had spoken at allboss i am afraid that whatthe spider said is trueand it gives me to thinkfuriously upon the futilityof literaturearchy”
-Don Marquis
“What a lover’s heart knows let no man’s brain dispute.”
“Reality is harsh. It can be cruel and ugly. Yet no matter how much we grieve over our environment and circumstances nothing will change. What is important is not to be defeated, to forge ahead bravely. If we do this, a path will open before us.”
-Daisaku Ikeda
“You are a wonderful creation. You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.”
-Oscar Wilde
“For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert.”
-Jasper Fforde
“My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.”
-Ayn Rand
“All things fade and quickly turn to myth.”
-Marcus Aurelius
“I have forgotten my umbrella. ”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Deliverance is not for me in renunciation. I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight.”
-Rabindranath Tagore
“Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. All can know good as good only because there is evil.”
-Lao Tzu
“Life is a bitter sweet journey my friend, a bitter sweet journey.”
-Luellen Hoffman
“Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul?”
“the serpent if it wants to become the dragon must eat itself.”
“Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.”
-Nikola Telsa
“Where the world comes in my way—and it comes in my way everywhere—I consume it to quiet the hunger of my egoism. For me you are nothing but—my food, even as I too am fed upon and turned to use by you. We have only one relation to each other, that of usableness, of utility, of use. We owe each other nothing, for what I seem to owe you I owe at most to myself. If I show you a cheery air in order to cheer you likewise, then your cheeriness is of consequence to me, and my air serves my wish; to a thousand others, whom I do not aim to cheer, I do not show it.”
-Max Stirner
“Sed nescio quo modo nihil tam absurde dici potest quod non dicatur ab aliquo philosphorum. (There is nothing so absurd but some philosopher has said it.)”
-Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Philosophy and science have not always been friendly toward the idea of God, the reason being they are dedicated to the task of accounting for things and are impatient with anything that refuses to give an account of itself. The philosopher and the scientist will admit that there is much that they do not know; but that is quite another thing from admitting there is something which they can never know, which indeed they have no technique for discovering.”
-A. W. Tozer
“... every moment of our life has a purpose, that every action of ours, no matter how dull or routine or trivial it may seem in itself, has a dignity and a worth beyond human understanding... For it means that no moment can be wasted, no opportunity missed, since each has a purpose in man’s life, each has a purpose in God’s plan. Think of your day, today or yesterday. Think of the work you did, the people you met, moment by moment. What did it mean to you- and might it have meant for God? Is the question too simple to answer, or are we just afraid to ask it for fear of the answer we must give?”
-Walter J. Ciszek
“Forgiveness is created by the restitution of the abuser; of the wrongdoer. It is not something to be squeeeeeezed out of the victim in a further act of conscience-corrupting abuse.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“The philosopher whose dealings are with divine order himself acquires the characteristics of order and divinity.”
“It has gradually become clear to me what every great philosophy up till now has consisted of – namely, the confession of its originator, and a species of involuntary and unconscious autobiography; and moreover that the moral (or immoral) purpose in every philosophy has constituted the true vital germ out of which the entire plant has always grown.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Yesterday, I was sad, tomorrow i may be sad again, but today i know that i am happy. I want to live on and on, delighting like a pagan in all that is physical; and i know that this one lifetime, however long, cannot satisfy my heart.”
-Ruskin Bond
“It is when those who are not strong enough have made some moderate amount of progress that they fail and give up...”
“No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude.”
-Karl Popper

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“For this feeling of wonder shows that you are a philosopher, since wonder is the only beginning of philosophy.”
“To live is to change, to acquire the words of a story, and that is the only celebration we mortals really know.”
-Barbara Kingsolver
“We live in deeds not years In thoughts not breaths In feelings not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels noblest, acts the best.”
-Philip James Bailey
“No one should need to be big enough to destroy others and all of us must have to be powerful and resourceful enough to protect ourselves.”
-Zaman Ali
“If a man who can’t count finds a four leaf clover, is he lucky?”
-Stanis?aw Lem
“Because we have for millenia made moral, aesthetic, religious demands on the world, looked upon it with blind desire, passion or fear, and abandoned ourselves to the bad habits of illogical thinking, this world has gradually become so marvelously variegated, frightful, meaningful, soulful, it has acquired color - but we have been the colorists: it is the human intellect that has made appearances appear and transported its erroneous basic conceptions into things.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“down with hell and heaven and all the religious fussinfinity pleased our parents one inch looks good to us”
-E. E. Cummings
“Where we choose to be, where we choose to be--we have the power to determine that in our lives. We cannot reel time backward or forward, but we can take ourselves to the place that defines our being.”
-Sena Jeter Naslund
“When faith in our freedom gives way to fear of our freedom, silencing the minority view becomes the operative protocol.”
-Joel Salatin
“A picture held us captive. And we could not get outside it, for it lay in our language and language seemed to repeat it to us inexorably.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“The student is half afraid to meet one of the great philosophers face to face. He feels himself inadequate and thinks he will not understand him. But if he only knew, the great man, just because of his greatness, is much more intelligible than his modern commentator. The simplest student will be able to understand, if not all, yet a very great deal of what Plato said; but hardly anyone can understand some modern books on Platonism.”
-C.S. Lewis
“My teacher asked my favorite color. ... I said ‘Rainbow’.... and I was punished to stand out of my class.”
-Saket Assertive
“This time, there was no escape, I could not turn away, could not leave without accepting what I had done. There was only one way to the other side, and that was through the pain.”
-Vanessa Diffenbaugh
“The symbolism of meat-eating is never neutral. To himself, the meat-eater seems to be eating life. To the vegetarian, he seems to be eating death. There is a kind of gestalt-shift between the two positions which makes it hard to change, and hard to raise questions on the matter at all without becoming embattled.”
-Mary Midgley
“From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back.”
-Franz Kafka
“We never realize just how many other lives we can help when their paths cross our own.”
-Wil Zeus
“Creativity sparks originality which then manifests itself into what we call evolution. To depreciate imagination is to depreciate life.”
-Alecia Stone
“The modern habit of saying "This is my opinion, but I may be wrong" is entirely irrational. If I say that it may be wrong, I say that is not my opinion. The modern habit of saying "Every man has a different philosophy; this is my philosophy and it suits me" – the habit of saying this is mere weak-mindedness. A cosmic philosophy is not constructed to fit a man; a cosmic philosophy is constructed to fit a cosmos. A man can no more possess a private religion than he can possess a private sun and moon.”
-G.K. Chesterton
“Philosophy is the toil which can never tire persons engaged in it. All ways are strewn with roses, and the farther you go, the more enchanting objects appear before you and invite you on.”
-Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
“Merely fact-minded sciences make merely fact-minded people.”
-Edmund Husserl
“Who we are now is all that really matters.”
-Amy Joy
“What you think, you become.What you feel, you attract.What you imagine, you create.”
“Few things are more deceptive than memories.”
-Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.”
-John Dewey
“Crazy Horse dreamed and went into the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. That is the real world that is behind this one, and everything we see here is something like a shadow from that one.”
-Black Elk
“I have learnt through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmuted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transmuted into a power which can move the world.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
“There is nothing deep down inside us except what we have put there ourselves.”
-Richard Rorty
“ To be pleasant, gentle, calm and self-possessed: this is the basis of good taste and charm in a woman. No matter how amorous or passionate you may be, as long as you are straightforward and refrain from causing others embarrassment, no one will mind. But women who are too vain and act pretentiously, to the extent that they make others feel uncomfortable, will themselves become the object of attention; and once that happens, people will find fault with whatever they say or do; whether it be how they enter a room, how they sit down, how they stand up or how they take their leave. Those who end up contradicting themselves and those who disparage their companions are also carefully watched and listened to all the more. As long as you are free from such faults, people will surely refrain from listening to tittle-tattle and will want to show you sympathy, if only for the sake of politeness. I am of the opinion that when you intentionally cause hurt to another, or indeed if you do ill through mere thoughtless behavior, you fully deserve to be censured in public. Some people are so good-natured that they can still care for those who despise them, but I myself find it very difficult. Did the Buddha himself in all his compassion ever preach that one should simply ignore those who slander the Three Treasures? How in this sullied world of ours can those who are hard done by be expected to reciprocate in kind?”
-Murasaki Shikibu
“The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”
-Richard Bach
“We are often taught to look for the beauty in all things, so in finding it, the layman asks the philosopher while the philosopher asks the photographer.”
-Criss Jami

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“We are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later.”
-Alan Moore
“Every form of happiness if one, every desire is driven by the same motor--by our love for a single value, for the highest potentiality of our own existence--and every achievement is an expression of it.”
-Ayn Rand
“It is our attitude toward events, not events themselves, which we can control. Nothing is by its own nature calamitous -- even death is terrible only if we fear it.”
“I hold strongly to this: that it is better to be impetuous than circumspect; because fortune is a woman and if she is to be submissive it is necessary to beat and coerce her.”
-Niccolo Machiavelli
“Nobody understands the nature of the Church, or the ringing note of the creed descending from antiquity, who does not realize that the whole world once very nearly died of broadmindedness and the brotherhood of all religions.”
-G.K. Chesterton
“Trebuie sa te departezi putin de tine ca sa te poti apropia de ceilalti.”
-Andrei Plesu
“Every being, created by God and unspoiled by man, is perfect, strictly defined and autonomous, entirely complete and at the same time with a built-in ability to grow and develop. This is the essence of its dignity and holiness. It is not an embodiment of God’s immense Personality, but only one of the realisations of His perfection.”
-Danail Hristov
“There were a group of people before the Ascension known as the Astalsi. They claimed that each person was born with a certain finite amount of ill luck. And so, when an unfortunate event happened, they thought themselves blessed—thereafter, their lives could only get better.”
-Brandon Sanderson
“Happiness will grow if you plant the seeds of love in the garden of hope with compassion and care.”
-Debasish Mridha
“You may lie with your mouth, but with the mouth you make as you do so you none the less tell the truth.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“O how incomprehensible everything was, and actually sad, although it was also beautiful. One knew nothing. One lived and ran about the earth and rode through forests, and certain things looked so challenging and promising and nostalgic: a star in the evening, a blue harebell, a reed-green pond, the eye of a person or a cow. And sometimes it seemed that something never seen yet long desired was about to happen, that a veil would drop from it all, but then it passed, nothing happened, the riddle remained unsolved, the secret spell unbroken, and in the end one grew old and looked cunning . . . or wise . . . and still one knew nothing perhaps, was still waiting and listening.”
-Herman Hesse
“Thinking only begins at the point where we have come to know that Reason, glorified for centuries, is the most obstinate adversary of thinking.”
-Martin Heidegger
“One morning you wake up with more life behind you than in front of you, not being able to understand how it’s happened.”
-Fredrik Backman
“Which came first, the mind or the idea of the mind? Have you never wondered? They arrived together. The mind is an idea.”
-Bernard Beckett
“Cannibals? Who is not a cannibal? I tell you it will be more tolerable for the Fejee that salted down a lean missionary in his cellar against a coming famine; it will be more tolerable for that provident Fejee, I say, in the day of judgement, than for thee, civilized and enlightened gourmand, who nailest geese to the ground and feastest on their bloated livers in thy pate de fois gras.”
-Herman Melville
“We are the inheritors of a wonderful world, a beautiful world, full of life and mystery, goodness and pain. But likewise are we the children of an indifferent universe. We break our own hearts imposing our moral order on what is, by nature, a wide web of chaos.”
-Colin Meloy
“There are so many kinds of time. The time by which we measure our lives. Months and years. Or the big time, the time that raises mountains and makes stars. Or all the things that happen between one heartbeat and the next. Its hard to live in all those kinds of times. Easy to forget that you live in all of them.”
-Robert Charles Wilson
“The best things in life are crazy.”
-Emme Rollins
“To win true freeedom you must be a slave to philosophy.”
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
“A lot of people experience the world with the same incredulity as when a magician pulls a rabbit out of a hat.…We know that the world is not all sleight of hand and deception because we are in it, we are part of it. Actually we are the white rabbit being pulled out of the hat. The only difference beween us and the white rabbit is that the rabbit does not realize it is taking part in a magic trick.”
-Jostein Gaarder
“What if nobody showed up at Armageddon?”
-C R Strahan
“I think that the task of philosophy is not to provide answers, but to show how the way we perceive a problem can be itself part of a problem.”
-Slavoj Žižek
“..the most dangerous animal in a zoo is Man.”
-Yann Martel
“Truth gains more even by the errors of one who, with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think…”
-John Stuart Mill
“For it can never be that war shall preserve life, and peace destroy it.”
-Thomas Hobbes
“The fossil record implies trial and error, the inability to anticipate the future, features inconsistent with a Great Designer (though not a Designer of a more remote and indirect temperament.)”
-Carl Sagan
“Distraction serves evil more than any other mental state.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“All actual life is encounter.”
-Martin Buber
“One has to take a somewhat bold and dangerous line with this existence: especially as, whatever happens, we are bound to lose it.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Modern bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange, and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells.”
-Karl Marx

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“Anyone who fights for the future, lives in it today.”
-Ayn Rand
“Unity is a great thing and a great slogan. But what the workers’ cause needs is the unity of Marxists, not unity between Marxists, and opponents and distorters of Marxism.”
-Vladimir Lenin
“Absurdity is one of the most human things about us: a manifestation of our most advanced and interesting characteristics. ”
-Thomas Nagel
“Do you think you wear a mask?’‘I’m wearing one right now.’ Valentino smiled softly. ‘We both are.’‘It’s a sad thought.’‘Yes,’ he said. ‘But sometimes I wonder about the alternative. Imagine if we had no secrets, no respite from the truth. What if everything was laid bare the moment we introduced ourselves?”
-Catherine Doyle
“In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering among innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Always be friendly, always be kind,Like the most beautiful flower that you can find.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Intelligence is more important than strength, that is why earth is ruled by men and not by animals.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Unless we learn to know ourselves, we run the danger of destroying ourselves.”
-Ja A. Jahannes
“A writer always writes.”
-Don Roff
“All my problems bow before my stubbornness.”
-Amit Kalantri
“High thoughts must have high language.”
“There’s no way you can kill someone and get to the other side of the experience unchanged.”
-Charlaine Harris
“When you are angry try your best to go to sleep, it keeps you away from speaking, writing and thinking while you are angry.”
-Amit Kalantri
“You like me not because I like you. I like you just because I like me.”
-Santosh Kalwar
“He who wears his morality but as his best garment were better naked.The wind and the sun will tear no holes in his skin.”
-Khalil Gibran
“Can all this just be an accident? Or could there be some alien intelligence behind it?”
-Gene Rodenberry
“Is it better to be loved or feared?”
-Niccolo Machiavelli
“Here I am...wanting to accomplish something and completely forgetting it must all end--that there is such a thing as death.”
-Leo Tolstoy
“The life of an individual is a constant struggle, and not merely a metaphorical one against want or boredom, but also an actual struggle against other people. He discovers adversaries everywhere, lives in continual conflict and dies with sword in hand.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo - that evil is not always repellent but frequently attractive; that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as nature and accident do, but active accomplices.”
-Joyce Carol Oates
“Science must not impose any philosophy, any more than the telephone must tell us what to say.”
-G.K. Chesterton
“Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance.”
-Sartre J.-P.
“When I see the blind and wretched state of men, when I survey the whole universe in its deadness, and man left to himself with no light, as though lost in this corner of the universe without knowing who put him there, what he has to do, or what will become of him when he dies, incapable of knowing anything, I am moved to terror, like a man transported in his sleep to some terrifying desert island, who wakes up quite lost, with no means of escape. Then I marvel that so wretched a state does not drive people to despair.”
-Blaise Pascal
“Philosophy, though unable to tell us with certainty what is the true answer to the doubts which it raises, is able to suggest many possiblities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from the tyranny of custom. Thus, while diminishing our feeling of certainty as to what things are, it greatly increases our knowledge as to what the may be; it removes the somewhat arrogant dogmatism of those who have never travelled into the region of liberating doubt, and it keeps alive our sense of wonder by showing familar things in an unfamilar aspect”
-Bertrand Russell
“Fate isn’t one straight road…there are forks in it, many different routes to different ends. We have the free will to choose the path.”
-Dean Koontz
“Love, I think, is a gateway to the world, not an escape from it.”
-Mark Doty
“We are born into this world unarmed - our mind is our only weapon.”
-Ayn Rand
“I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy.”
-Richard P. Feynman
“To pursue wisdom is to live in such a way that one is prepared to face death when it comes. (247)”
-Gregory Bassham
“All religions are based on obsolete terminology.”
-Vladimir Nabokov

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“Few among men are they who cross to the further shore. The others merely run up and down the bank on this side.”
-Siddh?rtha Gautama
“The illness of a doctor is always worse than the illnesses of his patients.The patients only feel, but the doctor, as well as feeling, has a pretty good idea of the destructive effect of the disease on his constitution.This is a case in which knowledge brings death nearer.”
-Maxim Gorky
“Skepticism is the agent of reason against organized irrationalism--and is therefore one of the keys to human social and civic decency.”
-Stephen Jay Gould
“What really frightens and dismays us is not external events themselves, but the way in which we think about them. It is not things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance.”
“A toast, Jedediah, to love on my terms. Those are the only terms anybody ever knows - his own.”
-Orson Welles
“In the world of art, all things are possible.--George from Paradise Kiss”
-Ai Yazawa
“The free mind, unafraid of labor, presses on to attain the good.”
-Laura Cereta
“The only value of wasted time is knowledge.”
-Monica Drake
“Whoever is going to listen to the philosophers needs a considerable practice in listening.”
“If you think life is magical or life is hard, either way you are right. Your thoughts are the source of reality.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Mathematicians finally developed a financial model to accurately compare apples and oranges. Any two kinds of fruit can be compared, although guavas still cause minor rounding errors.”
-Graham Parke
“Nothing is necessitated whose opposite is possible.”
-Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
“Even if you are alone you wage war with yourself.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“We do not create life, we create death.”
-Marie Symeou
“YOU. ARE. PERFECT. You are. Im talking to YOU. and dont you dare think otherwise...embrace the entity of are a puzzle piece and you are meant to be puzzling.”
-Kaiden Blake
“If it is bread that you seek, you will have bread. If it is the soul you seek, you will find the soul. If you understand this secret, you know you are that which you seek.”
“If tomorrow were never to come, it would not be worth living today.”
-Albert Einstein
“The things that pose the greatest threats to your survival are the most real things.”
-Jordan B. Peterson
“He recognized with absolute certainty the empty fragility of even the noblest theorizings as compared with the definitive plenitude of the smallest fact grasped in its total, concrete reality.”
-Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
“the body is wiser than its inhabitants. the body is the soul. the body is god’s messenger.”
-Erica Jong
“Body is a home, a prison and a grave.”
-James Runcie
“Imagination is not, as some poets have thought, simply synonymous with good. It may be either good or evil. As long as art remained primarily mimetic, the evil which imagination could do was limited by nature. Again, as long as it was treated as an amusement, the evil which it could do was limited in scope. But in an age when the connection between imagination and figuration is beginning to be dimly realized, when the fact of the directionally creator relation is beginning to break through into consciousness, both the good and the evil latent in the working of imagination begin to appear unlimited. We have seen in the Romantic movement an instance of the way in which the making of images may react upon the collective representations. It is a fairly rudimentary instance, but even so it has already gone beyond the dreams and responses of a leisured few. The economic and social structure of Switzerland is noticeably affected by its tourist industry, and that is due only in part to increased facilities of travel. It is due not less to the condition that (whatever may be said about their ‘particles’) the mountains which twentieth-century man sees are not the mountains which eighteenth-century man saw.It may be objected that this is a very small matter, and that it will be a long time before the imagination of man substantially alters those appearances of nature with which his figuration supplies him. But then I am taking the long view. Even so, we need not be too confident. Even if the pace of change remained the same, one who is really sensitive to (for example) the difference between the medieval collective representations and our own will be aware that, without traveling any greater distance than we have come since the fourteenth century, we could very well move forward into a chaotically empty or fantastically hideous world. But the pace of change has not remained the same. It has accelerated and is accelerating. We should remember this, when appraising the aberrations of the formally representational arts. Of course, in so far as these are due to affectation, they are of no importance. But in so far as they are genuine, they are genuine because the artist has in some way or other experienced the world he represents. And in so far as they are appreciated, they are appreciated by those who are themselves willing to make a move towards seeing the world in that way, and, ultimately therefore, seeing that kind of world. We should remember this, when we see pictures of a dog with six legs emerging from a vegetable marrow or a woman with a motorbicycle substituted for her left breast.”
-Owen Barfield
“When any person harms you, or speaks badly of you, remember that he acts or speaks from a supposition of its being his duty. Now, it is not possible that he should follow what appears right to you, but what appears so to himself. Therefore, if he judges from a wrong appearance, he is the person hurt, since he too is the person deceived. For if anyone should suppose a true proposition to be false, the proposition is not hurt, but he who is deceived about it. Setting out, then, from these principles, you will meekly bear a person who reviles you, for you will say upon every occasion, "It seemed so to him."....”
“You cannot connect with anyone except through reality.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Believe in the wonderment of life, the magic of love, and the reality of death.”
-Carroll Bryant
“If your desire is for good, the people will be good.”
“In an earlier stage of our development most human groups held to a tribal ethic. Members of the tribe were protected, but people of other tribes could be robbed or killed as one pleased. Gradually the circle of protection expanded, but as recently as 150 years ago we did not include blacks. So African human beings could be captured, shipped to America, and sold. In Australia white settlers regarded Aborigines as a pest and hunted them down, much as kangaroos are hunted down today. Just as we have progressed beyond the blatantly racist ethic of the era of slavery and colonialism, so we must now progress beyond the speciesist ethic of the era of factory farming, of the use of animals as mere research tools, of whaling, seal hunting, kangaroo slaughter, and the destruction of wilderness. We must take the final step in expanding the circle of ethics. -”
-Peter Singer
“Veel van wat aanvankelijk alleen in de verbeelding bestaat, wordt werkelijkheid.”
-Arthur Japin
“What you don’t know won’t hurt you. A dubious maxim: sometimes what you don’t know can hurt you very much.”
-Margaret Atwood
“No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism.”
-Annie Wood Besant

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“The rider evolved to serve to the elephant.”
-Jonathan Haidt
“Could two live that way? Could two live under the wild rose, and explore by the pond, so that the smooth mind of each is as everywhere present to the other, and as received and as unchallenged, as falling snow?”
-Annie Dillard
“What we cannot bear removes us from life; what remains can be borne.”
-Marcus Aurelius
“Kendati batas antara kebebasan dan ketidakpedulian terkadang saru”
“An honest religious thinker is like a tightrope walker. He almost looks as though he were walking on nothing but air. His support is the slenderest imaginable. And yet it really is possible to walk on it.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“When you come to look into this argument from design, it is a most astonishing thing that people can believe that this world, with all the things that are in it, with all its defects, should be the best that omnipotence and omniscience have been able to produce in millions of years. I really cannot believe it. Do you think that, if you were granted omnipotence and omniscience and millions of years in which to perfect your world, you could produce nothing better than the Ku Klux Klan or the Fascists? Moreover, if you accept the ordinary laws of science, you have to suppose that human life and life in general on this planet will die out in due course: it is a stage in the decay of the solar system; at a certain stage of decay you get the sort of conditions of temperature and so forth which are suitable to protoplasm, and there is life for a short time in the life of the whole solar system. You see in the moon the sort of thing to which the earth is tending -- something dead, cold, and lifeless.”
-Bertrand Russell
“Then we’re just sitting there, staring at each other. Which has been happening a lot lately. It’s likewhatever wall there was between us, however she was holding herself back from me . . . all of thatpretense is gone.“And when you find a soul mate,” Sara says, “it’s undeniable. You have to be together.”“That’s my philosophy.” I look back at her. “You have to go with the flow.”“Exactly. I think the universe guides you to make the right choices.”“Do you believe in fate?”“I guess, but . . . it’s more about creating the life you want so you can make that fate a reality. Youknow?”
-Susane Colasanti
“Fake is the new real,You gotta keep a lot a shit to yourself.”
-Genereux Philip
“A miracle is often the willingness to see the common in an uncommon way.”
-Noah Benshea
“It was a dance of masks and every mask was perfect because every mask was a real face and every face was areal mask so there was no mask and there was no face for there was but one dance in which there was butone mask but one true face which was the same and which was a thing without a name which changed andchanged into itself over and over.”
-Leonard Cohen
“The danger today is in believing there are no sick people, there is only a sick society.”
-Fulton J. Sheen
“Impossible things are really rough to do, you know.”
-Brandon Sanderson
“Having just enough life to enjoy being dead.”
-Jim Holt
“No dirt can touch me, like an ocean, everything that comes to me becomes clean.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Each voice carries a portion of value, no matter how unpalatable or distasteful that voice may be: no one person, government, ideology, transnational, or religious institution can own and dominate the whole.”
-B. W. Powe
“Writing blooms flowers for mind, which last forever.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Awkward silences rule the world. People are so terrified of awkward silences that they will literally go to war rather than face an awkward silence.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“A person whose desires and impulses are his own—are the expression of his own nature, as it has been developed and modified by his own culture—is said to have a character. One whose desires and impulses are not his own, has no character, no more than a steam-engine has character…”
-John Stuart Mill
“From the scientific view, the theory of karma may be a metaphysical assumption -- but it is no more so than the assumption that all of life is material and originated out of pure chance”
-The Dalai Lama
“No code of ethics and no effort are justifiable a priori in the face of the cruel mathematics that command our condition.”
-Albert Camus
“There is no key to open the heart of another - except curiosity.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Brahman is the ultimate reality; it is simultaneously Saguna and Nirguna; divisions are due to ignorance. Mind and intellect can never catch hold of it; they have only one option and that is to merge with it.”
-Amit Ray
“They grew; they did not talk about growing.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“Whereas I think: I’m lying here in a haystack... The tiny space I occupy is so infinitesimal in comparison with the rest of space, which I don’t occupy and which has no relation to me. And the period of time in which I’m fated to live is so insignificant beside the eternity in which I haven’t existed and won’t exist... And yet in this atom, this mathematical point, blood is circulating, a brain is working, desiring something... What chaos! What a farce!”
-Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it. The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas.”
-Karl Marx
“If you were born with the ability to change someone’s perspective or emotions, never waste that gift. It is one of the most powerful gifts God can give—the ability to influence.”
-Shannon L. Alder
“Call no man happy until he is dead.”
“Existence is beyond the power of wordsTo define:Terms may be usedBut are none of them absolute.In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words,Words came out of the womb of matter;And whether a man dispassionatelySees to the core of lifeOr passionatelySees the surface,The core and the surfaceAre essentially the same,Words making them seem differentOnly to express appearance.If name be needed, wonder names them both:From wonder into wonderExistence opens.”
-Lao Tzu
“You not only are hunted by others, you unknowingly hunt yourself.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“NIHILIST, n. A Russian who denies the existence of anything but Tolstoi. The leader of the school is Tolstoi.”
-Ambrose Bierce

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“This city belongs to ghosts, to murderers, to sleepwalkers. Where are you, in what bed, in what dream?”
-Marguerite Yourcenar
“Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards.”
-Diogenes Of Sinope
“In truth, Freud sees nothing and understands nothing.”
-Gilles Deleuze
“I drink cup of sunlight every morning to brighten myself.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Minds, however, are conquered not by arms, but by love and nobility.”
-Baruch Spinoza
“God has abandoned you. Fear does not serve you. Your heart has betrayed you. Only the music can guide you.”
-Noah Levine
“Philosophers have often held disputeAs to the seat of thought in man and bruteFor that the power of thought attends the latterMy friend, thy beau, hath made a settled matter,And spite of dogmas current in all ages,One settled fact is better than ten sages. (O,Tempora! O,Mores!)”
-Edgar Allan Poe
“Hope burns eternal in the human heart.”
-O.R. Melling
“If you wish to make Pythocles rich, do not add to his store of money, but subtract from his desires.”
“If you can convince people that freedom is injustice, they will then believe that slavery is freedom.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he erects conceit into a duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die.”
-Bertrand Russell
“A moment or an eternity—did it matter? Life, undefeated, existed and could exist.”
-Ayn Rand
“It is impossible, or not easy, to alter by argument what has long been absorbed by habit”
“It is the man of science, eager to have his every opinion regenerated, his every idea rationalized, by drinking at the fountain of fact, and devoting all the energies of his life to the cult of truth, not as he understands it, but as he does not yet understand it, that ought properly to be called a philosopher.”
-Charles S. Peirce
“The better organized the state, the duller its humanity.”
-David Mitchell
“Oh, if only it were possible to find understanding,” Joseph exclaimed. “If only there were a dogma to believe in. Everything is contradictory, everything tangential; there are no certainties anywhere. Everything can be interpreted one way and then again interpreted in the opposite sense. The whole of world history can be explained as development and progress and can also be seen as nothing but decadence and meaninglessness. Isn’t there any truth? Is there no real and valid doctrine?”The master had never heard him speak so fervently. He walked on in silence for a little, then said: “There is truth, my boy. But the doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself. The deity is within you, not in ideas and books. Truth is lived, not taught. Be prepared for conflicts, Joseph Knecht - I can see that they already have begun.”
-Hermann Hesse
“Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher is bound in his way to be a lover of myths and poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in being big with wonder.”
-Thomas Aquinas
“Words are the clothes thoughts wear.”
-Samuel Beckett
“Bring the mind into sharp focus and make it alert so that it can immediately intuit truth, which is everywhere. The mind must be emancipated from old habits, prejudices, restrictive thought processes and even ordinary thought itself.”
-Bruce Lee
“He who says either that the time for philosophy has not yet come or that it has passed is like someone who says that the time for happiness has not yet come or that it has passed.”
“Philosophers can debate the meaning of life, but you need a Lord who can declare the meaning of life.”
-Max Lucado
“TO the States or any one of them, or any city of the States, Resist much, obey little, Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever after-ward resumes its liberty.”
-Walt Whitman
“If the ordinary wage-earner worked four hours a day, there would be enough for everybody and no unemployment -- assuming a certain very moderate amount of sensible organization. This idea shocks the well-to-do, because they are convinced that the poor would not know how to use so much leisure. In America men often work long hours even when they are well off; such men, naturally, are indignant at the idea of leisure for wage-earners, except as the grim punishment of unemployment; in fact, they dislike leisure even for their sons.”
-Bertrand Russell
“let the speaker speak truly and the judge decide justly.”
“Is it better to go with the flow or let the flow go?”
-Aidan Chambers
“Weariness that wants to reach the ultimate with one leap, with one fatal leap, a poor ignorant weariness that does not want to want any more: this created all gods and afterworlds.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“The ethos of redemption is realied in self-mastery, by means of temperance, that is, continence of desires.”
-Pope John Paul II
“Further, an excess of legislation defeats its own ends. It makes the whole population criminals, and turns them all into police and police spies. The moral health of such a people is ruined for ever; only revolution can save it.”
-Aleister Crowley
“Conformity to the present is invisibility to the future.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Whether we like it or not, modern ways are going to alter and in part destroy traditional customs and values.”
-Werner Heisenberg

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“If you ask me to tell you anything about the nature of what lies beyond the phaneron… my answer is “How should I know?”… I am not dismayed by ultimate mysteries… I can no more grasp what is behind such questions as my cat can understand what is behind the clatter I make while I type this paragraph.”
-Martin Gardner
“There is desire in the perfect, beauty in the imperfect.Thus I lust over the flawless,and fall amorously forceless to the flawed.”
-Ilyas Kassam
“People have boldness to criticize but not to sensitize.”
-Amit Kalantri
“We youths say “like” all the time because we mistrust reality.”
-James S. Kunen
“Thought is so cunning, so clever, that it distorts everything for its own convenience.”
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
“The brightest light casts the darkest shadow.”
-Jess C. Scott
“If you know that I am an unbeliever, then you know me better than I do myself. I may be an unbeliever, but I am an unbeliever who has a nostalgia for a belief.”
-Pier Paolo Pasolini
“Some day people will ask me what is the key to my success...and I will simply say, "good Karma.”
-K. Crumley
“Violence begins with the fork.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
“In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.”
-Guy Debord
“Philosophy, from the earliest times, has made greater claims, and achieved fewer results, than any other branch of learning.”
-Bertrand Russell
“None of your knowledge, your reading, your connections will be of any use here: two legs suffice, and big eyes to see with. Walk alone, across mountains or through forests. You are nobody to the hills or the thick boughs heavy with greenery. You are no longer a role, or a status, not even an individual, but a body, a body that feels sharp stones on the paths, the caress of long grass and the freshness of the wind. When you walk, the world has neither present nor future: nothing but the cycle of mornings and evenings. Always the same thing to do all day: walk. But the walker who marvels while walking (the blue of the rocks in a July evening light, the silvery green of olive leaves at noon, the violet morning hills) has no past, no plans, no experience. He has within him the eternal child. While walking I am but a simple gaze.”
-Frédéric Gros
“Before this moment, I have never whished to be something other than what I am. Never felt so keenly the lack of hands with which to touch, the lack of arms whith which to hold.Why did they give me this sense of self? Why allow me the intellect by which to measure this complete inadequacy? I would rather be numb than stand here in the light of a sun that can never chase the chill away”
-Amie Kaufman
“The most dangerous irony is, people are angry with others because of their own incompetence.”
-Amit Kalantri
“A nation is a detour of nature to arrive at five or six great men- yes, and then to get around them.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“The truth is, going against the internal stream of ignorance is way more rebellious than trying to start some sort of cultural revolution.”
-Noah Levine
“Possibility, infinity, beauty -- none of those words were right. [...] What he really wanted to say was: have you felt this? this phantom life streaking like a phosphorescent hound at the edges of your ruin? ”
-Haven Kimmel
“The world, viewed philosophically, remains a series of slave camps, where citizens – tax livestock – labor under the chains of illusion in the service of their masters.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Les hommes construisent trop de murs et pas assez de ponts. ”
-Isaac Newton
“The bond between husband and wife is a strong one. Suppose the man had hunted her out and brought her back. The memory of her acts would still be there, and inevitably, sooner or later, it would be cause for rancor. When there are crises, incidents, a woman should try to overlook them, for better or for worse, and make the bond into something durable. The wounds will remain, with the woman and with the man, when there are crises such as I have described. It is very foolish for a woman to let a little dalliance upset her so much that she shows her resentment openly. He has his adventures--but if he has fond memories of their early days together, his and hers, she may be sure that she matters. A commotion means the end of everything. She should be quiet and generous, and when something comes up that quite properly arouses her resentment she should make it known by delicate hints. The man will feel guilty and with tactful guidance he will mend his ways. Too much lenience can make a woman seem charmingly docile and trusting, but it can also make her seem somewhat wanting in substance. We have had instances enough of boats abandoned to the winds and waves.It may be difficult when someone you are especially fond of, someone beautiful and charming, has been guilty of an indiscretion, but magnanimity produces wonders. They may not always work, but generosity and reasonableness and patience do on the whole seem best.”
-Murasaki Shikibu
“Most of us try to do too much because we are secretly afraid we will not be able to do anything at all.”
-Rick Aster
“wherever you find the greatest good, you will find the greatest evil, because evil loves paradise as much as good.”
-Wallace Stegner
“Naive people tend to generalize people as—-good, bad, kind, or evil based on their actions. However, even the smartest person in the world is not the wisest or the most spiritual, in all matters. We are all flawed. Maybe, you didn’t know a few of these things about Einstein, but it puts the notion of perfection to rest. Perfection doesn’t exist in anyone. Nor, does a person’s mistakes make them less valuable to the world. 1. He divorced the mother of his children, which caused Mileva, his wife, to have a break down and be hospitalized.2.He was a ladies man and was known to have had several affairs; infidelity was listed as a reason for his divorce.3.He married his cousin.4.He had an estranged relationship with his son.5. He had his first child out of wedlock.6. He urged the FDR to build the Atom bomb, which killed thousands of people.7. He was Jewish, yet he made many arguments for the possibility of God. Yet, hypocritically he did not believe in the Jewish God or Christianity. He stated, “I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the harmony of all that exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.”
-Shannon L. Alder
“Knowledge is responsibility, which is why people resist knowledge.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“On marriage: You sort of stumble along and reconnect and lose each other and reconnect again.”
-Felicity Huffman
“When the Aggregates arise, decay and die, O bhikkhu, every moment you are born, decay, and die.”
-Siddh?rtha Gautama
“The perfectly ordinary girl and the great philosopher are alike: for both, the smallest triviality can become the vision that wipes out the world.”
-Yukio Mishima
“Some want to live within the soundOf church or chapel bell;I want to run a rescue shop,Within a yard of hell.”
-C.T. Studd
“when a language dies, a way of understanding the world dies with it, a way of looking at the world. ”
-Steiner G
“Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it.”
-Albert Camus

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“Never forget that there are only two philosophies to rule your life: the one of the cross, which starts with the fast and ends with the feast. The other of Satan, which starts with the feast and ends with the headache.”
-Fulton J. Sheen
“A modern philosopher who has never once suspected himself of being a charlatan must be such a shallow mind that his work is probably not worth reading.”
-Leszek Kolakowski
“If everyone is a product of this society, who will say the things that need to be said, and do the things that need to be done, without compromise? Truth will never start out popular in a world more concerned with marketability than righteousness. It will initially suffer ridicule and even violence- yet ultimately it is undeniable. All of humanity is living in a dream world, but suffering real consequences.”
-Lauryn Hill
“Then the lover, who is true and no counterfeit, must of necessity be loved by his love.”
“There is no fate which cannot be surmounted by scorn.”
-Albert Camus
“It is remarkable how long men will believe in the bottomlessness of a pond without taking the trouble to sound it.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“An ignorant person is inclined to blame others for his own misfortune. To blame oneself is proof of progress. But the wise man never has to blame another or himself.”
“You were free, you are free and you will be free.”
-Santosh Kalwar
“You know, I think that only if one feels immensely important can one feel truly light.”
-Ayn Rand
“While I was an honorable man in her eyes, she did not love me. But the minute she understood what I was, when she breathed the true and foul odor of my soul, love was born in her – for she does love me! Well, well! There is nothing real, then, except evil.”
-Octave Mirbeau
“And now we step to the rhythm of miracles.--from The Light, That Never Dies”
“You push the TRUTH off a cliff, but it will always fly. You can submerge the TRUTH under water, but it will not drown. You can place the TRUTH in the fire, but it will survive. You can bury the TRUTH beneath the ground, but it will arise. TRUTH always prevails!”
-Amaka Imani Nkosazana
“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Be water, my friend.”
-Bruce Lee
“Medicine rests upon four pillars—philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and ethics. The first pillar is the philosophical knowledge of earth and water; the second, astronomy, supplies its full understanding of that which is of fiery and airy nature; the third is an adequate explanation of the properties of all the four elements—that is to say, of the whole cosmos—and an introduction into the art of their transformations; and finally, the fourth shows the physician those virtues which must stay with him up until his death, and it should support and complete the three other pillars.”
“From whichever side I start, I think I am in an old place where others have been before me.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“You are happy when you are enthusiastic and action-oriented, not when you are luxury and pleasure oriented.”
-Debasish Mridha
“This is the Modern Man. The man who seeks himself without ever seeking, because he does not want to find;The man who does not hesitate to criticize the other, although he behaves in the same way;”
-Cristiane Serruya
“What we do not confront, we inhabit.What we do not reject, we accept.What we do not fight, we become.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“The present is all we have, yet it is the one thing we will never learn to hold in our hands.”
-Madeleine Thien
“To recognize untruth as a condition of life--that certainly means resisting accustomed value feelings in a dangerous way; and a philosophy that risks this would by that token alone place itself beyond good and evil.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“There is but one true philosophical problem and that is suicide.”
-Albert Camus
“Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man’s values, it has to be earned.His own happiness is man’s only moral purpose, but only his own virtue can achieve it…Life is the reward of virtue- and happiness is the goal and the reward of life.Happiness is a state of non-contradictory joy- a joy without penalty or guilt, a joy that does not clash with any of your values and does not work for your won destruction, not the joy of escaping from your mind, but using your mind’s fullest power.Happiness is possible only to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seek nothing but rational values and finds his joy in nothing bu rational actions.The symbol of all relationships among such men, the moral symbol of respect for human beings, is the trade…A trader is a man who earns what he gets and does not give or take the undeserved.”
-Ayn Rand
“Socrates should have written comics.”
-Mark Waid
“Dubium sapientiae initium. (Doubt is the origin of wisdom.)”
-Rene Descartes
“Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.”
-David Hume
“More powerful than the mighty armies is an idea whose time has come.”
-Victor Hugo
“Sitting still is a pain in the ass.”
-Noah Levine
“See the exquisite contrast of the types of mind! The pragmatist clings to facts and concreteness, observes truth at its work in particular cases, and generalises. Truth, for him, becomes a class-name for all sorts of definite working-values in experience. For the rationalist it remains a pure abstraction, to the bare name of which we must defer. When the pragmatist undertakes to show in detail just why we must defer, the rationalist is unable to recognise the concretes from which his own abstraction is taken. He accuses us of denying truth; whereas we have only sought to trace exactly why people follow it and always ought to follow it. Your typical ultra-abstractions fairly shudders at concreteness: other things equal, he positively prefers the pale and spectral. If the two universes were offered, he would always choose the skinny outline rather than the rich thicket of reality. It is so much purer, clearer, nobler.”
-William James
“Slice a pear and you will find that its flesh is incandescent white. It glows with inner light. Those who carry a knife and a pear are never afraid of the dark.”
-Yann Martel
“Be a surfer. Watch the ocean. Figure out where the big waves are breaking and adjust accordingly.”

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“Stercus accidit.”
-David Hume
“A sin is nothing more than regret. Not for doing it once, but doing it again when you know you’re going to regret it.”
-Carroll Bryant
“When we die, as when the scenes have been fixed on to celluloid and the scenery is pulled down and burnt — we are phantoms in the memories of our descendants. Then we are ghosts, my dear, then we are myths. But still we are together. We are the past together, we are a distant past. Beneath the dome of the mysterious stars, I still hear your voice.”
-Jostein Gaarder
“I grew up once, I decided never to do it again”
-Benny Bellamacina
“One can ask why the I has to appear in the cogito {Descartes’ argument “I think therefore I am.}, since the cogito, if used rightly, is the awareness of pure consciousness, not directed at any fact or action. In fact the I is not necessary here, since it is never united directly to consciousness. One can even imagine a pure and self-aware consciousness which thinks of itself as impersonal spontaneity.”
-Jean-Paul Sartre
“The stalker, meanwhile, stepped into the road. Didn’t even check for traffic. There wasn’t any, but something told me this was lucky for traffic rather than the stalker.”
-Graham Parke
“Arrival in the world is really a departure and that, which we call departure, is only a return.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“The statement ‘There is nothing more American than an Indian’ happens to be a multidimensional paradox. Try and not say too many of those. That might open your mind to ideas that could cause sanity point loss.”
-Charles Slagle
“Windmill or no windmill, he said, life would go on as it had always gone on--that is, badly.”
-George Orwell
“Our culture has filled our heads but emptied our hearts, stuffed our wallets but starved our wonder. It has fed our thirst for facts but not for meaning or mystery. It produces "nice" people, not heroes.”
-Peter Kreeft
“In the end, it is our defiance that redeems us. If wolves had a religion – if there was a religion of the wolf – that it is what it would tell us.”
-Mark Rowlands
“To stay or to go, it amounted to the same thing.”
-Albert Camus
“Whatever I learned,Whatever I knew,Seems like those faded years of childhood that flew,Away in some dilemma,Always in some confusion,The purpose of this life,Seems like an illusion!”
-Mehek Bassi
“The toxic behaviors were there before you decided to enter into relationships with them. The signs were there. You may have chosen to look the other way, but the signs were there.—Psychotherapist from Type 1 Sociopath”
-P.A. Speers
“There is no man, and no place, without war. The only thing we can do is choose a side, and fight. That is the only choice we get - who we fight for, who we fight against. That is life.”
-Gregory David Roberts
“With the truth, all given facts harmonize; but with what is false, the truth soon hits a wrong note.”
“Treat everyone you meet as if they were you.”
-Doug Dillon
“The search for something permanent is one of the deepest of the instincts leading men to philosophy.”
-Bertrand Russell
“Resources are hired to give results, not reasons.”
-Amit Kalantri
“All statistics have outliers.”
-Nenia Campbell
“The truth is helpless when up against perception”
-Zack W. Van
“Why do we think love is a magician? Because the whole power of magic consists in love. The work of magic is the attraction of one thing by another because of a certain affinity of nature.”
-Marsilio Ficino
“When the heart is dry the eye is dry.”
-Victor Hugo
“My mind was formed by studying philosophy, Plato and that sort of thing.”
-Werner Heisenberg
“The wise man who has become accustomed to necessities knows better how to share with others than how to take from them, so great a treasure of self-sufficiency has he found.”
“The supply of matter in the universe was never more tightly packed than it is now, or more widely spread out. For nothing is ever added to it or subtracted from it. It follows that the movement of atoms today is no different from what it was in bygone ages and always will be. So the things that have regularly come into being will continue to come into being in the same manner; they will be and grow and flourish so far as each is allowed by the laws of nature.”
“The logical man must either deny all miracles or none.”
-Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa) Eastman
“There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge and wisdom. Shall we instead choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? I appeal as a human being to human beings; remember your humanity, and forget the rest.”
-Bertrand Russell
“My religion is to live - and die - without regret.”
“The ruling classes use broken and smashed up childhoods as weaponised instruments of domination around the world. This is why the government has no incentive to end child abuse; because the government needs abuse victims as enforcers.”
-Stefan Molyneux

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“Irrational expectations are at the root of most human suffering.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“What is food to one man is bitter poison to others”
“What comes, is called.”
-Ki Longfellow
“But only he who, himself enlightened, is not afraid of shadows.”
-Immanuel Kant
“Love taught me to die with dignity that I might come forth anew in splendor. Born once of flesh, then again of fire, I was reborn a third time to the sound of my name humming haikus in heaven’s mouth.”
“What is existence for but to be laughed at if men in their twenties have already attained the utmost?”
-Soren Kierkegaard
“Whoever wishes to become a philosopher must learn not to be frightened by absurdities.”
-Bertrand Russell
“There are no bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad intentions, and wooooords.”
-George Carlin
“Beauty as we feel it is something indescribable; what it is or what it means can never be said.”
-George Santayana
“We are citizens of the world. The tragedy of our times is that we do not know this.”
-Woodrow Wilson
“I think it was the institution...I was trying to master it.”
-E. Lockhart
“The universe danced towards life. Life was a remarkably common commodity. Anything sufficiently complicated seemed to get cut in for some, in the same way that anything massive enough got a generous helping of gravity. The universe had a definite tendency towards awareness. This suggested a certain subtle cruelty woven into the very fabric of space-time.”
-Terry Pratchett
“All resistance is a rupture with what is. And every rupture begins, for those engaged in it, through a rupture with oneself.”
-Alain Badiou
“Upon this first, and in one sense this sole, rule of reason, that in order to learn you must desire to learn, and in so desiring not be satisfied with what you already incline to think, there follows one corollary which itself deserves to be inscribed upon every wall of the city of philosophy: Do not block the way of inquiry.”
-Charles S. Peirce
“Omnia vincit amor" - "Love conquers all”
“War means fighting. The business of the soldier is to fight. Armies are not called out to dig trenches, to throw up breastworks, to live in camps, but to find the enemy and strike him; to invade his country, and do him all possible damage in the shortest possible time. This will involve great destruction of life and property while it lasts; but such a war will of necessity be of brief continuance, and so would be an economy of life and property in the end.”
-Stonewall Jackson
“Es ist nicht genug, zu wissen, man muß auch anwenden; es ist nicht genug, zu wollen, man muß auch tun.”
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
“Was I insane? Maybe. But then, there were many different kinds of insanity. Aunt Rose had always taken for granted that the whole world was in a state of constantly fluctuating madness, and that a neurosis was not an illness, but a fact of life, like pimples. Some have more, some have less, but only truly abnormal people have none at all. This commonsense philosophy had consoled me many times before, and it did now, too.”
-Anne Fortier
“Everything, no matter how beautiful, is only with us for awhile.”
-Geoff Ryman
“One word can change your life forever.I love youI hate youThink about it”
-Alan Macmillan Orr
“Forbearance in the face of fate, beauty constant under torture, are not merely passive. They are a positive achievement, an explicit triumph.”
-Thomas Mann
“Unfortunately for the good sense of mankind, the fact of their fallibility is far from carrying the weight in their practical judgement, which is always allowed to it in theory; for while every one well knows himself to be fallible, few think it necessary to take any precautions against their own fallibility. ”
-John Stuart Mill
“Love life, Live Love”
-Benny Bellamacina
“Education is meaningless without manners”
-Benny Bellamacina
“Ideas are the source of all things”
“Someone once told me that the finer points of devotion are about the size of a pinhole, and there are millions of them. And if you could connect each dot, then you’ve got a diagram of what you think you thought you knew, and if you’re willing to admit that you know nothing…you have the blueprint for a breakthrough.”
-Shane Koyczan
“Sometimes with the most intense pain a paralysis of sensibility occurs. The soul disintegrates--hence the deadly frost--the free power of the mind--the shattering, ceaseless wit of this kind of despair. There is no inclination for anything any more--the person is alone, like a baleful power--as he has no connection with the rest of the world he consumes himself gradually--and in accordance with his own principle he is--misanthropic and misotheos.”
“I like Dancing of Indian girls more than my parents’ prayers . Because they dance with love and passion . But my parents just say their prayers because they got used to it .”
-Ali Shariati
“Our knowledge of circumstances has increased, but our uncertainty, instead of having diminished, has only increased. The reason of this is, that we do not gain all our experience at once, but by degrees; so our determinations continue to be assailed incessantly by fresh experience; and the mind, if we may use the expression, must always be under arms.”
-Carl Von Clausewitz
“The more invested I am in my own ideas about reality, the more those experiences will feel like victimizations rather than the ups and downs of relating. Actually, I believe that the less I conceptualize things that way, the more likely it is that people will want to stay by me, because they will not feel burdened, consciously or unconsciously, by my projections, judgments, entitlements, or unrealistic expectations.”
-David Richo

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“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“The human body resonates at the same frequency as Mother Earth. So instead of only focusing on trying to save the earth, which operates in congruence to our vibrations, I think it is more important to be one with each other. If you really want to remedy the earth, we have to mend mankind. And to unite mankind, we heal the Earth. That is the only way. Mother Earth will exist with or without us. Yet if she is sick, it is because mankind is sick and separated. And if our vibrations are bad, she reacts to it, as do all living creatures.”
-Suzy Kassem
“Our actions are guaranteed to affect others. Because we are not alone in this world, much of our learning about ourselves comes from our interaction with others. Our relationships are our teachers. We learn from each other.”
-Dr. Tae Yun Kim
“Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.”
-Francis Bacon
“THE MAXIMS OF MEDICINE Before you examine the body of a patient,Be patient to learn his story.For once you learn his story,You will also come to knowHis body.Before you diagnose any sickness,Make sure there is no sickness in the mind or heart.For the emotions in a man’s moon or sun,Can point to the sickness inAny one of his other parts.Before you treat a man with a condition,Know that not all cures can heal all people.For the chemistry that works on one patient,May not work for the next,Because even medicine has its ownConditions.Before asserting a prognosis on any patient,Always be objective and never subjective.For telling a man that he will win the treasure of life,But then later discovering that he will lose,Will harm him more than by telling himThat he may lose,But then he wins.THE MAXIMS OF MEDICINE by Suzy Kassem”
-Suzy Kassem
“Without knowledge of what I am and why I am here, it is impossible to live, and since I cannot know that, I cannot live either. In an infinity of time, in an infinity of matter, and an infinity of space a bubble-organism emerges while will exist for a little time and then burst, and that bubble am I.”
-Leo Tolstoy
“There is no part of one’s beliefs about oneself which cannot be modified by sufficiently powerful psychological techniques. There is nothing about oneself which cannot be taken away or changed. The proper stimuli can, if correctly applied, turn communists into fascists, saints into devils, the meek into heroes, and vice-versa. There is no sovereign sanctuary within ourseles which represents our real nature. There is nobody at home in the internal fortress. Everything we cherish as our ego, everything we believe in, is just what we have cobbled together out of the accident of our birth and subsequent experiences. With drugs, brainwashing, and other techniques of extreme persuasion, we can quite readily make a man a devotee of a different ideology, the patriot of a different country, or the follower of a different religion.”
-Peter J. Carroll
“Prayer is based on the remote possibility that someone is actually listening; but so is a lot of conversation. If the former seems far-fetched, consider the latter: even if someone is listening to your story, and really hearing, that person will disappear from existence in the blink of a cosmic eye, so why bother to tell this perhaps illusory and possibly un-listening person something he or she is unlikely to truly understand, just before the two of you blip back out of existence? We like to talk to people who answer us, intelligently if possible, but we do talk without needing response or expecting comprehension. Sometimes, the event is the word, the act of speaking. Once we pull that apart a bit, the action of talking becomes more important than the question of whether the talking is working-because we know, going in, that the talking is not working. That said, one might as well pray.”
-Jennifer Michael Hecht
“The goal of education is to enable individuals to continue their education.”
-John Dewey
“First impressions are rarely worth preserving. Men typically fall short of our expectations.”
-Renate Linnenkoper
“We may not yet know the right way to go, but we should at least stop going in the wrong direction.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“why are we here?where do we come from?traditionally,these are questionsfor philosophy,but philosophy is dead”
-Stephen Hawking
“Truth has nothing to do with the conclusion, and everything to do with the methodology.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Baseless victimhood is usually the last stage before outright aggression.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Excuses are a promise of repetition.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“A smiling lie is a whirlwind, easy to enter, but hard to escape.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“If everyone wants to be somebody, I want to be somebody else”
-Benny Bellamacina
“A sister is a dearest friend, a closest enemy, and an angel at the time of need.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas" - "Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses”
“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for crisis.”
“And if one loves me for my judgement, memory, he does not love me, for I can lose these qualities without losing myself. Where, then, is this Ego, if it be neither in the body nor in the soul? And how love the body or the soul, except for these qualities which do not constitute me, since they are perishable? For it is impossible and would be unjust to love the soul of a person in the abstract and whatever qualities might be therein. We never, then, love a person, but only qualities. Let us, then, jeer no more at those who are honoured on account of rank and office; for we love a person only on account of borrowed qualities.”
-Blaise Pascal
“There is no such thing as educational value in the abstract. The notion that some subjects and methods and that acquaintance with certain facts and truths possess educational value in and of themselves is the reason why traditional education reduced the material of education so largely to a diet of predigested materials.”
-John Dewey
“love make us poets, and the approach of death should make us philosophers.”
-George Santayana
“The complexities of adult life get in the way of the truth. The great philosophers have always been able to clear away the complexities and see simple distinctions - simple once they are stated, vastly difficult before. If we are to follow them we too must be childishly simple in our questions - and maturely wise in our replies.”
-Mortimer J. Adler
“the Real-World was a sprawling mess of a book in need of a good editor.”
-Jasper Fforde
“Sure, I could tell you I am no longer a lesbian or that I am no longer attracted to women and am straight, or I could even tell you the moon is made of cheese. I could tell you many things, but the moon will still not be made of cheese, and I will still not be attracted to men.”
-Cristina Marrero
“Problems in science are sometimes made easier by adding complications.”
-Daniel C. Dennett
“It does not follow, because our ancestors made so many errors of fact and mixed them with their religion, that we should therefore leave off being religious at all. By being religious we establish ourselves in possession of ultimate reality at the only points at which reality is given us to guard. Our responsible concern is with our private destiny, after all.”
-William James
“?nsano?lu nedense anlayamad??? ?eylere kötülemeye meyilli.”
-Elif ?afak
“Nu pot fi eu insumi decat daca ma inalt pana la furie sau cobor pana la descurajare: la nivelul meu obisnuit, ignor faptul ca exist.”
-Emil Cioran

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“On one hand the eternal attraction of man towards femininity (cf. Gn. 2:23) frees in him-or perhaps it should free-a gamut of spiritual-corporal desires of an especially personal and "sharing" nature (cf. analysis of the "beginning"), to which a proportionate pyramid of values corresponds. On the other hand, "lust" limits this gamut, obscuring the pyramid of values that marks the perennial attraction of male and female.”
-Pope John Paul II
“la vida sólo puede ser entendida mirando hacia atrás; aunque deba ser vivida mirando hacia adelante”
-Søren Kierkegaard
“Laughter is the hand of God on the shoulder of a troubled world.”
-Grady Nutt
“A few dud universes can really clutter up your basement.”
-Neal Stephenson
“Most of the propositions and questions to be found in philosophical works are not false but nonsensical.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Smartass Disciple: Master, do you really believe in the second chance?Master of Stupidity: That supports the basis of lost-then-found concept.”
-Toba Beta
“Treaty with Tripoli, Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;”
-United States Congress
“When you use your energy and resources to punish people, you run out of energy and resources to protect people.”
-Kelly Bryson
“I try--without success--to stop finding reasons for vanity in anything. When I happen to manage it nonetheless, I feel that I no longer belong to the mortal gang. I am above everything then, above the gods themselves. Perhaps that is what death is: a sensation of great, of extreme superiority. ”
-Émile Michel Cioran
“As a man, casting off worn out garments taketh new ones, so the dweller in the body, entereth into ones that are new.”
“If you spend time with crazy and dangerous people, remember – their personalities are socially transmitted diseases; like water poured into a container, most of us eventually turn into – or remain – whoever we surround ourselves with. We can choose our tribe, but we cannot change that our tribe is our destiny.?”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Every science begins as philosophy and ends as art; it arises in hypothesis and flows into achievement.”
-Will Durant
“Deep connection is the antidote to madness.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“He alone is free who lives with free consent under the entire guidance of reason”
-Baruch Spinoza
“Tourism, human circulation considered as consumption is fundamentally nothing more than the leisure of going to see what has become banal.”
-Guy Debord
“The greatest mystery the universe offers is not life but Size.”
-Stephen King
“Wouldn’t the joys of life lose all colour, if life was eternal?”
-Constantina Maud
“Using your talent, hobby or profession in a way that makes you contribute with something good to this world is truly the way to go.”
-Simon Zingerman
“As long as one believes in philosophy, one is healthy; sickness begins when one starts to think.”
-Emil Cioran
“I have no desire for others to take it on themselves to analyze my thoughts. I am without thoughts. I have never, not even once, acted on the basis of any doctrine or philosophy.I am convinced that those people whom the world considers good and respects are all liars and fakes. I do not trust the world.”
-Osamu Dazai
“All worries are less with wine.”
-Amit Kalantri
“The first and most important field of philosophy is the application of principles such as “Do not lie.” Next come the proofs, such as why we should not lie. The third field supports and articulates the proofs, by asking, for example, “How does this prove it? What exactly is a proof, what is logical inference, what is contradiction, what is truth, what is falsehood?” Thus, the third field is necessary because of the second, and the second because of the first. The most important, though, the one that should occupy most of our time, is the first. But we do just the opposite. We are preoccupied with the third field and give that all our attention, passing the first by altogether. The result is that we lie – but have no difficulty proving why we shouldn’t.”
“Fundamentally, therefore, any man can, even under such circumstances, decide what shall become of him-mentally and spiritually. He may retain his human dignity even in a concentration camp. Dostoevski said once, "There is only one thing that I dread: not to be worthy of my sufferings."These words frequently came to my mind after I became acquainted with those martyrs whose behavior in camp, whose suffering and death, bore witness to the fact that the last inner freedom cannot be lost. It can be said that they were worthy of their sufferings; the way they bore their suffering was a genuine inner achievement. It is this spiritual freedom- which cannot be taken away- that makes life meaningful and purposeful.”
-Viktor E. Frankl
“Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise and fall, but the moral law is written on the tablets of eternity.”
-John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton Acton
“The same word we love and hate, leaves in different directions, taking different paths.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“Kita melahirkan dan dilahirkan oleh sebuah jiwa yang tidak kita kenalKita adalah teka-teki yang tak teterka oleh siapa pun. Kita adalah dongeng yang terperangkap dalam khayalannya sendiri.Kita adalah apa yang terus berjalan tanpa pernah tiba pada pengertian”
-Jostein Gaarder
“The view that man was ever to be drawn by some vision of the unattainable shining ahead, doomed ever to aspire, but not to achieve, my life and my values could not bring me to that.”
-Ayn Rand
“to have great pain is to have certainty; to hear that another person has pain is to have doubt.”
-Elaine Scarry
“Festivals and fasts are unhinged, traveling backward at a rate of ten days per year, attached to no season. Even Laylat ul Qadr, the holiest night in Ramadan, drifts--its precise date is unknown. The iconclasm laid down by Muhammed was absolute: you must resist attachment not only to painted images, but to natural ones. Ramadan, Muharram, the Eids; you associate no religious event with the tang of snow in the air, or spring thaw, or the advent of summer. God permeates these things--as the saying goes, Allah is beautiful, and He loves beauty--but they are transient. Forced to concentrate on the eternal, you begin to see, or think you see, the bones and sinews of the world beneath its seasonal flesh. The sun and moon become formidable clockwork. They are transient also, but hint at the dark planes that stretch beyond the earth in every direction, full of stars and dust, toward a retreating, incomprehensible edge”
-G. Willow Wilson
“The rich fop Francis of Assisi was bored all his life
-Peter Kreeft

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“What great philosophers do for us is not to hand out such an all-purpose system. It is to light up and clarify some special aspect of life, to supply conceptual tools which will do a certain necessary kind of work. Wide though that area of work may be, it is never the whole, and all ideas lose their proper power when they are used out of their appropriate context. That is why one great philosopher does not necessarily displace another, why there is room for all of them and a great many more whom we do not have yet.”
-Mary Midgley
“you can measure the size of a person by what makes him or her angry”
-Dale Carnegie
“I want to find a way of speaking to fellow human beings that will be cool rather than heated, philosophical rather than polemical, that will bring enlightenment rather than seeking to divide us into the righteous and the sinners, the saved and the damned, the sheep and the goats.”
-J.M. Coetzee
“Men seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, sea-shores, and mountains; and thou too art wont to desire such things very much. But this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of men, for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. For nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul, particularly when he has within him such thoughts that by looking into them he is immediately in perfect tranquility; and I affirm that tranquility is nothing else than the good ordering of the mind. Constantly then give to thyself this retreat, and renew thyself; and let thy principles be brief and fundamental, which, as soon as thou shalt recur to them, will be sufficient to cleanse the soul completely, and to send thee back free from all discontent with the things to which thou returnest. For with what art thou discontented? With the badness of men? Recall to thy mind this conclusion, that rational animals exist for one another, and that to endure is a part of justice, and that men do wrong involuntarily; and consider how many already, after mutual enmity, suspicion, hatred, and fighting, have been stretched dead, reduced to ashes; and be quiet at last.- But perhaps thou art dissatisfied with that which is assigned to thee out of the universe.- Recall to thy recollection this alternative; either there is providence or atoms, fortuitous concurrence of things; or remember the arguments by which it has been proved that the world is a kind of political community, and be quiet at last.- But perhaps corporeal things will still fasten upon thee.- Consider then further that the mind mingles not with the breath, whether moving gently or violently, when it has once drawn itself apart and discovered its own power, and think also of all that thou hast heard and assented to about pain and pleasure, and be quiet at last.- But perhaps the desire of the thing called fame will torment thee.- See how soon everything is forgotten, and look at the chaos of infinite time on each side of the present, and the emptiness of applause, and the changeableness and want of judgement in those who pretend to give praise, and the narrowness of the space within which it is circumscribed, and be quiet at last. For the whole earth is a point, and how small a nook in it is this thy dwelling, and how few are there in it, and what kind of people are they who will praise thee.”
-Marcus Aurelius
“There is one thing, Emma, which a man can always do if he chooses, and that is his duty; not by manoeuvring and finessing, but by vigour and resolution. - Mr. Knightley”
-Jane Austen
“Everything that can be thought at all can be thought clearly. Everything that can be said can be said clearly.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“The necessity of reform mustn’t be allowed to become a form of blackmail serving to limit, reduce, or halt the exercise of criticism. Under no circumstances should one pay attention to those who tell one: “Don’t criticize, since you’re not capable of carrying out a reform.” That’s ministerial cabinet talk. Critique doesn’t have to be the premise of a deduction that concludes, “this, then, is what needs to be done.” It should be an instrument for those for who fight, those who resist and refuse what is. Its use should be in processes of conflict and confrontation, essays in refusal. It doesn’t have to lay down the law for the law. It isn’t a stage in a programming. It is a challenge directed to what is.”
-Michel Foucault
“The egocentric is always frustrated, simply because the condition of self-perfection is self-surrender. There must be a willingness to die to the lower part of self, before there can be a birth to the nobler.”
-Fulton J. Sheen
“The intellectual attainments of a man who thinks for himself resemble a fine painting, where the light and shade are correct, the tone sustained, the colour perfectly harmonised; it is true to life. On the other hand, the intellectual attainments of the mere man of learning are like a large palette, full of all sorts of colours, which at most are systematically arranged, but devoid of harmony, connection and meaning.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“There would be no society if living together depended upon understanding each other.”
-Eric Hoffer
“Man’s mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not. His body is given to him, its sustenance is not. His mind is given to him, its content is not. To remain alive, he must act, and before he can act he must know the nature and purpose of his action. He cannot obtain his food without a knowledge of food and of the way to obtain it. He cannot dig a ditch – or build a cyclotron – without a knowledge of his aim and of the means to achieve it. To remain alive, he must think. “But to think is an act of choice. The key to what you so recklessly call ‘human nature,’ the open secret you live with, yet dread to name, is the fact that man is a being of volitional consciousness. Reason does not work automatically; thinking is not a mechanical process; the connections of logic are not made by instinct. The function of your stomach, lungs, or heart is automatic; the function of your mind is not. In any hour and issue of your life, you are free to think or to evade that effort. But you are not free to escape from your nature, from the fact that reason is your means of survival – so that for you, who are a human being, the question ‘to be or not to be’ is the question ‘to think or not to think.’ . . . “Man has no automatic code of survival. His particular distinction from all other living species is the necessity to act in the face of alternatives by means of volitional choice. . . Man must obtain his knowledge and choose his actions by a process of thinking, which nature will not force him to perform. Man has the power to act as his own destroyer – and that is the way he has acted through most of his history (pages 1012-1013).”
-Ayn Rand
“Peace is not so much a political mandate as it is a shared state of consciousness that remains elevated and intact only to the degree that those who value it volunteer their existence as living examples of the same... Peace ends with the unraveling of individual hope and the emergence of the will to worship violence as a healer of private and social dis-ease.”
“I made art a philosophy, and philosophy an art: I altered the minds of men, and the colour of things: I awoke the imagination of my century so that it created myth and legend around me: I summed up all things in a phrase, all existence in an epigram: whatever I touched I made beautiful”
-Oscar Wilde
“In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit.”
-Ayn Rand
“The will of the people, moreover, practically means the will of the most numerous or the most active part of the people; the majority, or those who succeed in making themselves accepted as the majority; type people, consequently, may desire to oppress a part of their number; and precautions are as much needed against this as against any other abuse of power.”
-John Stuart Mill
“A culture is made — or destroyed — by its articulate voices.”
-Ayn Rand
“By that which you kill are you bound.”
-O.R. Melling
“Leaving your religion and having to invent your own system of values is a big deal, after all.”
-Therese Doucet
“Not bad, not bad at all," Diotallevi said. "To arrive at the truth through the painstaking reconstruction of a false text.”
-Umberto Eco
“Contrary to the ecologists, nature does not stand still and does not maintain the kind of equilibrium that guarantees the survival of any particular species - least of all the survival of her greatest and most fragile product: man.”
-Ayn Rand
“Without living, how can you know? Without knowing, how can you speak?”
-J.E. Seanachaí
“I surround myself with things that make me happy. Why? Because ... it makes me happy.”
-Kelly Epperson
“Never say never”
-Charles Dickens
“We played for about half an hour before I realized we were actually playing two different games. What I’d thought of as ludo was actually a game called gin rummy, and what Warren was playing seemed to be a mixture of craps and table tennis. Once we started playing by one consistent set of rules, though, the fun was really over.”
-Graham Parke
“You can believe in whatsoever you like, but the truth remains the truth, no matter how sweet the lie may taste.”
-Michael Bassey Johnson
“I tell you: one must still have chaos in one, to give birth to a dancing star. I tell you: you have still chaos in you.”
-Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm
“I care for no man on earth, and no man on earth cares for me.”
-Charles Dickens
“Before you hate something you should try to understand it.”
-Martha Grimes
“A piece of art comes to life, when we can feel, it is breathing, when it talks to us and starts raising questions. It may dispel biased perceptions; make us recognize ignored fragments and remember forsaken episodes of our life story. Art may sometimes even be nasty and disturbing, if we don’t want to consent to its philosophy or concept, but it might, in the end, perhaps reconcile us with ourselves. ("When is Art?")”
-Erik Pevernagie
“I don’t have a philosophy: I have senses...If I talk about Nature, it’s not because I know what it is,But because I love it, and that’s why I love it,Because when you love you never know what you love,Or why you love, or what love is.Loving is eternal innocence,And the only innocence is not thinking.”
-Alberto Caeiro

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“The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.”
-Alfred North Whitehead
“where the telescope ends the microscope begins, and who can say which has the wider vision?”
-Victor Hugo
“God judges men from the inside out; men judge men from the outside in. Perhaps to God, an extreme mental patient is doing quite well in going a month without murder, for he fought his chemical imbalance and succeeded; oppositely, perhaps the healthy, able and stable man who has never murdered in his life yet went a lifetime consciously, willingly never loving anyone but himself may then be subject to harsher judgment than the extreme mental patient. It might be so that God will stand for the weak and question the strong.”
-Criss Jami
“For Reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and Passion, unattended,is a flame that burns to its own destruction.”
-Khalil Gibran
“What can oppose the decline of the west is not a resurrected culture but the utopia that is silently contained in the image of its decline.”
-Theodor W. Adorno
“Mist to mist, drops to drops. For water thou art, and unto water shalt thou return.”
-Kamand Kojouri
“6.4311Der Tod ist kein Ereignis des Lebens. Den Tod erlebt man nicht.Wenn man unter Ewigkeit nicht unendliche Zeitdauer, sondern Unzeitlichkeit versteht, dann lebt der ewig, der in der Gegenwart lebt.Unser Leben ist ebenso endlos, wie unser Gesichtsfeld grenzenlos ist.6.4311Death is not an event of life. Death is not lived through.If by eternity is understood not endless temporal duration but timelessness, then he lives eternally who lives in the present.Our life is endless in the way that our visual field is without limit.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“But this wealth of information produced little or no insight.”
-Stephen King
“Der Zweck der Philosophie ist die logische Klärung der Gedanken.Die Philosophie ist keine Lehre, sondern eine Tätigkeit.Ein philosophisches Werk besteht wesentlich aus Erläuterungen.Das Resultat der Philosophie sind nicht »philosophische Sätze«, sondern das Klarwerden von Sätzen.Die Philosophie soll die Gedanken, die sonst, gleichsam, trübe und verschwommen sind, klar machen und scharf abgrenzen.4.112The object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts.Philosophy is not a theory but an activity.A philosophical work consists essentially of elucidations.The result of philosophy is not a number of "philosophical propositions", but to make propositions clear.Philosophy should make clear and delimit sharply the thoughts which otherwise are, as it were, opaque and blurred.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“God save me from fools with a little philosophy—no one is more difficult to reach.”
“Dreams. They start in your beautiful mind. Think of beautiful things and it will manifest into actions because your body will listen to you. Like it always does.”
-Happy Positivity
“Culture had worked in her own case, but during the last few weeks she had doubted whether it humanized the majority, so wide and so widening is the gulf that stretches between the natural and the philosophic man, so many the good chaps who are wrecked in trying to cross it.”
-E.M. Forster
“This book first arose out of a passage in [Jorge Luis] Borges, out of the laughter that shattered, as I read the passage, all the familiar landmarks of my thought—our thought that bears the stamp of our age and our geography—breaking up all the ordered surfaces and all the planes with which we are accustomed to tame the wild profusion of existing things, and continuing long afterwards to disturb and threaten with collapse our age-old distinction between the Same and the Other. This passage quotes a ‘certain Chinese encyclopaedia’ in which it is written that ‘animals are divided into: (a) belonging to the Emperor, (b) embalmed, (c) tame, (d) suckling pigs, (e) sirens, (f) fabulous, (g) stray dogs, (h) included in the present classification, (i) frenzied, (j) innumerable, (k) drawn with a very fine camelhair brush, (l) et cetera, (m) having just broken the water pitcher, (n) that from a long way off look like flies’. In the wonderment of this taxonomy, the thing we apprehend in one great leap, the thing that, by means of the fable, is demonstrated as the exotic charm of another system of thought, is the limitation of our own, the stark impossibility of thinking that.”
-Michel Foucault
“Study yourself. Become your own mentor and best friend. When you are suffering stay at the bottom until you find out who you are. Let the storms come and pass. How you walk through the fire says a lot about you. Nobody likes a victimhood mentality and what happened to you is not important. It is about how you use your chaos that matters. The dawn will come”
-Mohadesa Najumi
“Is it possible for a man to move the earth? Yes; but he must first find out another earth to stand upon.”
-Jeremy Bentham
“Life is a useless passion, an exciting journey of a mammal in survival mode. Each day is a miracle, a blessing unexplored and the more you immerse yourself in light, the less you will feel the darkness. There is more to life than nothingness. And cynicism. And nihilism. And selfishness. And glorious isolation. Be selfish with yourself, but live your life through your immortal acts, acts that engrain your legacy onto humanity. Transcend your fears and follow yourself into the void instead of letting yourself get eaten up by entropy and decay. Freedom is being yourself without permission. Be soft and leave a lasting impression on everybody you meet”
-Mohadesa Najumi
“But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but i laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.”
“Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound to the crowd strive for obscurity. For the crowd believes that if it cannot see to the bottom of something it must be profound. It is so timid and dislikes going into the water.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Pride makes us artificial; humility makes us real”
-Thomas Merton
“What one generation finds ridiculous, the next accepts; and the third shudders when it looks back on what the first did.”
-Peter Singer
“If the worker and his boss enjoy the same television program and visit the same resort places, if the typist is as attractively made up as the daughter of her employer, if the Negro owns a Cadillac, if they all read the same newspaper, then this assimilation indicates not the disappearance of classes, but the extent to which the needs and satisfactions that serve the preservation of the Establishment are shared by the underlying population.”
-Herbert Marcuse
“The zipper displaces the button and a man lacks just that much time to think while dressing at dawn, a philosophical hour, and thus a melancholy hour.”
-Ray Bradbury
“I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars.” Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. . . . Then he was sorry for the great fish that had nothing to eat and his determination to kill him never relaxed in his sorrow for him. . . . There is no one worthy of eating him from the manner of his behavior and his great dignity. I do not understand these things, he thought. But it is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers.”
-Ernest Hemingway
“Each day acquire something that will fortify you against poverty, against death, indeed against other misfortunes as well; and after you have run over many thoughts, select one to be thoroughly digested that day.”
“Maybe I’m strange and perverse, but I’ve always thought there was something sexy about a compelling argument.”
-Therese Doucet
“The principle of democracy is a recognition of the sovereign, inalienable rights of man as a gift from God, the Source of law.”
-Fulton J. Sheen
“I think to think. Not to be thought-full, or to reach a point of wisdom or acquire a grace of knowledge. I think for the sensuality of thought.”
-Ilyas Kassam
“It is not God that is worshipped but the authority that claims to speak in His name. Sin becomes disobedience to authority not violation of integrity.”
-Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
“That is why enemies can be great motivators. They serve as fuel for your fire.”
-Simon Zingerman
“When the writing is good, a book becomes a mirror. The reader will see an uncanny familiarity and respond accordingly.”
-Jen Knox

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“Godshawk looked surprised, the way that people generally do when you ask them philosophical questions in shrubberies in the middle of the night.”
-Philip Reeve
“If we cannot comprehend God in his visible works, how then in his inconceivable thoughts, that call the works into being?”
-Edgar Allan Poe
“Life is a book. We fill the pages.”
-Victoria Valentine
“Lend me your ears and you can borrow my mind”
-Benny Bellamacina
“The spectacle is at the same time the mirage of self in the mirror of things.”
-Paul Ricoeur
“The disease of the soul is both more common and more deadly than the disease of the body. Just as medicine is the art devoted to healing the body, so philosophy is the art devoted to healing the soul, curing it of improper emotions, false beliefs, and faulty judgments, which are the causes of so much hardship and handicap. To heal the body one turns to the practitioner of the art of healing the body, but to heal the soul there is no doctor to turn to, and each of us is left to become that doctor unto himself. Yet, this need not stop us from exhorting others to imitate us in the godly art, in the forlorn hope that they might transform themselves into better citizens for Athens and better companions for us.”
-Neel Burton
“Tapi Tuhan juga seperti punya jatah waktu yang boleh kita habiskanberdua. Sia-sia bertahan, sia-sia melawan.”
-Avianti Armand
“I should go so far as to say that embedded in the surrealistic frame of a television news show is a theory of anticommunication, featuring a type of discourse that abandons logic, reason, sequence and rules of contradiction. In aesthetics, I believe the name given to this theory is Dadaism; in philosophy, nihilism; in psychiatry, schizophrenia. In the parlance of the theater, it is known as vaudeville.”
-Neil Postman
“Her maktul katilinde ya?amaya devam eder.”
-Elif ?afak
“I never quite understood the question that says, is the glass half empty or half full? What’s the difference? Eventually it’ll end up empty and in the trash.”
-Cyndi Goodgame
“All the world is queer save thee and me, and even thou art a little queer.”
-Robert Owen
“Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous.”
“Diversity is a survival factor for the community itself. A community of a hundred million species can survive anything short of total global catastrophe. Within that hundred million will be thousands that could survive a global temperature drop of twenty degrees—which would be a lot more devastating than it sounds. Within that hundred million will be thousands that could survive a global temperature rise of twenty degrees. But a community of a hundred species or a thousand species has almost no survival value at all.”
-Daniel Quinn
“The mythology of your culture hums in your ears so constantly that no one pays the slightest bit of attention to it. Of course man is conquering space and the atom and the deserts and the oceans and the elements. According to your mythology, this is what he was BORN to do.”
-Daniel Quinn
“Aristotle raped reason. He implanted in the dominant schools of philosophy the attractive belief that there can be discrete separation between mind and body. This led quite naturally to corollary delusions such as the one that power can be understood without applying it, or that joy is totally removable from unhappiness, that peace can exist in the total absence of war, or that life can be understood without death.—ERASMUS, Corrin Notes”
-Brian Herbert
“Step out of my sunlight.”
-Diogenes Laertius
“Question the answers, I repeated every class. Reevaluate your conclusions when the evidence changes.”
-Craig M. Mullaney
“Unfortunately, religion often works to shrink and tame the very wild and mysterious forces that first drew our wonder. In the process of making the inexplicable safe for the masses, the possibilities for real illusion-piercing insight becomes reduced. One might say that they are only available to those who dare to ride the breaking crest of direct life-altering experience.”
-Stephen K. Hayes
“The ways of fate are indeed hard to understand. If there is not some compensation hereafter, then the world is a cruel jest.”
-Arthur Conan Doyle
“In actual fact. The manifold sexualities - those which appear with the different ages (sexualities of the infant or the child), those which become fixated on particular tastes or practices (the sexuality of the invert, the gerontophile, the fetishist), those which, in a diffuse manner, invest relationships (the sexuality of doctor and patient, teacher and student, psychiatrist and mental patient), those which haunt spaces (the sexuality of the home, the school, the prison)- all form the correlate of exact procedures of power.”
-Michel Foucault
“The old man slowly raised himself from the piano stool, fixed those cheerful blue eyes piercingly and at the same time with unimaginable friendliness upon him, and said: "Making music together is the best way for two people to become friends. There is none easier. That is a fine thing. I hope you and I shall remain friends. Perhaps you too will learn how to make fugues, Joseph.”
-Hermann Hesse
“Moments are the elements of profit”
-Karl Marx
“My desire for knowledge is intermittent; but my desire to bathe my head in atmospheres unknown to my feet is perennial and constant. The highest that we can attain to is not Knowledge, but Sympathy with Intelligence. I do not know that this higher knowledge amounts to anything more definite than a novel and grand surprise on a sudden revelation of the insufficiency of all that we called Knowledge before,—a discovery that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy.”
-Henry David Thoreau
“As long as a man had the courage to reject what society told him to do, he could live life on his own terms. To what end? To be free. But free to what end? To read books, to write books, to think.”
-Paul Auster
“There is a danger there - a very real danger to humanity. Consider, Watson, that the material, the sensual, the worldly would all prolong their worthless lives. The spiritual would not avoid the call to something higher. It would be the survival of the least fit. What sort of cesspool may not our poor world become?”
-Arthur Conan Doyle
“It would be, for me, mere pointless pleasure, an illusion of order for this one frail, foolish, flicker-flash in the long dull fall of eternity.”
-John Champlin Gardner Jr.
“The tragedy is that we cannot believe the dogmas of religion and metaphysics if we have the strict methods of truth in heart and head, but on the other hand, we have become through the development of humanity so tenderly suffering that we need the highest kind of means of salvation and consolation: whence arises the danger that man may bleed to death through the truth that he realises.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“The world was floods above and fire below”
-Gregory Maguire
“I don’t know whether this world has a meaning that transcends it. But I know that I cannot know that meaning and that it is impossible for me just now to know it. ”
-Albert Camus
“...convinced that in trying to please all, he had pleased none, and had lost his ass into the bargain.”

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“Material wealth can be bad for your health.Because when you’re in the soil it’ll make your blood boil,that you couldn’t keep it all for your self.”
-Benny Bellamacina
“Philosophy cannot and should not give us an account of faith, but should understand itself and know just what it has indeed to offer, without taking anything away, least of all cheating people out of something by making them think it is nothing.”
-Søren Kierkegaard
“Live like a tree, giving, forgiving and free.”
-Debasish Mridha M.D.
“The moon is the reflection of your heart and moonlight is the twinkle of your love.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.”
-Germany Kent
“With the arrival of electric technology, man has extended, or set outside himself, a live model of the central nervous system itself. To the degree that this is so, it is a development that suggests a desperate suicidal autoamputation, as if the central nervous system could no longer depend on the physical organs to be protective buffers against the slings and arrows of outrageous mechanism. ”
-Marshall McLuhan
“This is your life, and its ending one minute at a time.”
-Chuck Palahniuk
“Nobody is good or bad. They are either strong or weak. Strong people stick to their morals, no matter what the trials and tribulations. Weak people, many a times, do not even realise how low they have fallen.”
-Amish Tripathi
“For others, in spite of myself, from myself.”
-Emmanuel Levinas
“What are we doing to each other? Because I know that I am doing to him exactly what he is doing to me. We are sometimes so happy, and never in our lives have we known more unhappiness.”
-Graham Greene
“The perfect is the enemy of the good.”
“You are not just for the right or left, but for what is right over the wrong.”
-Suzy Kassem
“Faith in the possibilities of continued and rigorous inquiry does not limit access to truth to any channel or scheme of things. It does not first say that truth is universal and then add there is but one road to it.”
-John Dewey
“How, in such an alien and inhuman world, can so powerless a creature as man preserve his aspirations untarnished? A strange mystery it is that nature, omnipotent but blind, in the revolutions of her secular hurryings through the abysses of space, has brought forth at last a child, subject still to her power, but gifted with sight, with knowledge of good and evil, with the capacity of judging all the works of his unthinking mother. In spite of death, the mark and seal of the parental control, man is yet free, during his brief years, to examine, to criticize, to know, and in imagination to create. To him alone, in the world with which he is aquainted, this freedom belongs; and in this lies his superiority to the resistless forces that control his outward life.”
-Bertrand Russell
“Saint Thomas Aquinas says, wisely, that the only way to drive out a bad passion is by a stronger good passion. The same is true of thoughts as of passions. When your mind wanders, like a child, your will must bring it back, like a mother. [. . .] The will-parent must discipline the mind-child, avoiding both the opposite extremes commonly made in disciplining either children or thoughts: tyranny or permissiveness.”
-Peter Kreeft
“The job of feets is walking, but their hobby is dancing.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Philosophy is not a spectator sport.”
-Nigel Warburton
“Vulnerability is the least celebrated emotion in our society”
-Mohadesa Najumi
“Theres a remarkable amount of strength residing in those who move forward without being able to physically move. Ones that carry the weight of illness or a disability, they battle wars most know nothing about. They are the true warriors of the world, the ones who have every reason to quit but never do.”
-Nikki Rowe
“Don’t dwell too much on the past. The lessons are useful for the present and a preparation for the future. Move on!”
-Lailah Gifty Akita
“You have to be an artist and a madman...”
-Vladimir Nabokov
“Life is so transient and ephemeral; we will not be here after a breath. So think better, think deeply, think with kindness, and write it with love so that it may live a little longer.”
-Debasish Mridha
“War is not just the shower of bullets and bombs from both sides, it is also the shower of blood and bones on both sides.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Philosophy is like wine. There are good years and bad years but, in general, the older the better.”
-Eric Weiner
“The tombstone over the grave of the conscience always reads: "Human Nature".”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Slowly we became silent, and silence itself if an enemy to friendship.”
-Norman Maclean
“Language disguises thought.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“A poet or philosopher should have no fault to find with his age if it only permits him to do his work undisturbed in his own corner; nor with his fate if the corner granted him allows of his following his vocation without having to think about other people.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“It is more Important to be of pure intention than of perfect action.”
-Ilyas Kassam
“Apocalypse is a frame of mind." [Nicodemus] said then. "A belief. A surrender to inevitability. It is a despair for the future. It is the death of hope.”
-Jim Butcher

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“We in our age are faced with a strange paradox. Never before have we had so much information in bits and pieces flooded upon us by radio and television and satellite, yet never before have we had so little inner certainty about our own being. The more objective truth increases, the more our inner certitude decreases. Our fantastically increased technical power, and each forward step in technology is experienced by many as a new push toward our possible annihilation. Nietzsche was strangely prophetic when he said,“We live in a period of atomic chaos…the terrible apparition…the Nation State…and the hunt for happiness will never be greater than when it must be caught between today and tomorrow; because the day after tomorrow all hunting time may have come to an end altogether.”Sensing this, and despairing of ever finding meaning in life, people these days seize on the many ways of dulling their awareness by apathy, by psychic numbing, or by hedonism. Others, especially young people, elect in alarming and increasing numbers to escape their own being by suicide.”
-Rollo May
“If the emotions are free the intellect will look after itself”
-A.S. Neill
“Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.”
-Augustine Of Hippo
“Poverty is a virtue which one can teach oneself.”
-Diogenes Of Sinope
“You think maybe if you just work harder and faster, you can hold off the chaos, but then one day you’re changing a patio light bulb with a five-year life span and you realize how you’ll only be changing this light maybe ten more times before you’ll be dead.”
-Chuck Palahniuk
“The most important thing about a technology is how it changes people.”
-Jaron Lanier
“Like apes, we breed, sleep, and die. Yet like God we say, "I am." We are ontological oxymorons.”
-Peter Kreeft
“We love ourselves notwithstanding our faults, and we ought to love our friends in like manner.”
-Cyrus The Great
“He must not merely cling to life, for then he will be a coward, and will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it.”
-G.K. Chesterton
“Irreverence is a most necessary ingredient of religion. Not to speak of its importance in philosophy. Irreverence is the only way left to us for testing our universe.”
-Frank Herbert
“Kim olursak olal?m, dünyan?n hangi yerinde ya?arsak ya?ayal?m, ta derinlerde bir yerde hepimiz bir eksiklik duygusu ta??maktay?z. Sanki temel bir ?eyimizi kaybetmi?iz de geri alamamaktan korkuyoruz. Neyin eksik oldu?unu bilenimizde hakikaten çok az.”
-Elif ?afak
“This is the paradox of public space: even if everyone knows an unpleasant fact, saying it in public changes everything. One of the first measures taken by the new Bolshevik government in 1918 was to make public the entire corpus of tsarist secret diplomacy, all the secret agreements, the secret clauses of public agreements etc. There too the target was the entire functioning of the state apparatuses of power. (Žižek, S. "Good Manners in the Age of WikiLeaks." London Review of Books 33.2 (2011): 9-10. )”
-Slavoj Žižek
“Raise a smile and lower stress”
-Benny Bellamacina
“If you cannot find an element of Humour in something, your not taking it seriously enough.”
-Ilyas Kassam
“The last of the cherry blossom. On the tree, itturns ever more perfect. And when it’s perfect, it falls. And then of course once it hits theground it gets all mushed up. So it’s only absolutely perfect when it’s falling through the air,this way and that, for the briefest time!.!.!.”
-David Mitchell
“Life: It is better not to wrap philosophy around such an inconceivable evolving beautiful mystery. If based on perception, alone; whatever the conclusion - it is still guessing.”
-T.F. Hodge
“It’s not easy to write a poem about a poem.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“Quote words that affirmall men and women are yourbrothers and sisters.”
-Author-Poet Aberjhani
“Mere philosophy will not satisfy us. We cannot reach the goal by mere words alone. Without practice, nothing can be achieved. (3)”
-Sri S. Satchidananda
“I believe that the imagination is the passport we create to take us into the real world. I believe the imagination is another phrase for what is most uniquely us.”
-John Guare
“To approach the Other in conversation is to welcome his expression, in which at each instant he overflows the idea a thought would carry away from it. It is therefore to receive from the Other beyond the capacity of the I, which means exactly: to have the idea of infinity. But this also means: to be taught. The relation with the Other, or Conversation, is a non-allergic relation, an ethical relation; but inasmuch as it is welcomed this conversation is a teaching. Teaching is not reducible to maieutics; it comes from the exterior and brings me more than I contain. In its non-violent transitivity the very epiphany of the face is produced.”
-Emmanuel Levinas
“I realized that conservatism was the philosophy that best suited me, with its emphasis on individual liberty, personal responsibility, and merit.”
-Mark R. Levin
“Many married women who have deliberately spurned the "hour" of childbearing are unhappy and frustrated. They never discovered the joys of marriage because they refused to surrender to the obligation of their state. In saving themselves, they lost themselves!”
-Fulton J. Sheen
“Astonishment is the root of philosophy.”
-Paul Tillich
“The story of terrorism is written by the state and it is therefore highly instructive… compared with terrorism, everything else must be acceptable, or in any case more rational and democratic.”
-Guy Debord
“Vivo sin vivir en mí... muero porque no muero. (I live without really being alive... I die because I am not dying.)”
-Santa Teresa De Jesús
“Love itself is what is left over when being "in love" has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.”
-Louis De Bernie?res
“O dear Pan and all the other gods of this place, grant that I may be beautiful inside. Let all my external possessions be in friendly harmony with what is within. May I consider the wise man rich. As for gold, let me have as much as a moderate man could bear and carry with him.”
“Your moral code begins by damning man as evil, then demands that he practice a good which it defines as impossible for him to practice…It demands that he starts, not with a standard of value, but with a standard of evil, which is himself, by means of which he is then to define the good: the good is that which he is not. A sin without volition is a slap at morality and an isolent contradiction in terms: that which is outside the possibility of choice is outside the province of morality. If man is evil by birth, he has no will, no power to change it; if he has no will, he can be neither good nor evil; a robot is amoral. To hold a man’s sin, a fact not open to his choice is a mockery of morality…To punish him for a crime he committed before he was born is a mockery of justice. To hold him guilty in a matter where no innocence exists is a mockery of reason. (The) myth decleares that he ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge-he acquired a mind and became a rational being. It was the knowledge of good and evil-he became a moral being…The evils for which they damn him are reasn, morality, creativeness, joy-all the cardinal values of his existence….the essence of his nature as a man. Whatever he was- that robot in the Garden of Eden, who existed without mind, without values, without labor, without love- he was not a man.”
-Ayn Rand
“All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment…”
-Nietzsche Friedrich

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“The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.”
-Ayn Rand
“All modern philosophizing is political, policed by governments, churches, academics, custom, fashion, and human cowardice, all off which limit it to a fake learnedness.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“We need to walk to know sacred places, those around us and those within. We need to walk to remember the songs.”
-Joseph Bruchac
“People do not know how what is at variance agrees with itself. It is an attunement of opposite tensions, like that of the bow and the lyre.”
“The art of music is good, for the reason, among others, that it produces pleasure; but what proof is it possible to give that pleasure is good? If, then, it is asserted that there is a comprehensive formula, including all things which are in themselves good, and that whatever else is good, is not so as an end, but as a mean, the formula may be accepted or rejected, but is not a subject of what is commonly understood by proof.”
-John Stuart Mill
“There is much in this vision that will remind you of your mystics; yet between them and us there is far more difference than similarity, in respect both of the matter and the manner of our thought. For while they are confident that the cosmos is perfect, we are sure only that it is very beautiful. While they pass to their conclusion without the aid of intellect, we have used that staff every step of the way. Thus, even when in respect of conclusions we agree with your mystics rather than your plodding intellectuals, in respect of method we applaud most your intellectuals; for they scorned to deceive themselves with comfortable fantasies.”
-Olaf Stapledon
“A false-statement requires deceit and distortion for someone to buy it, but a truthful-statement sells itself.”
-William Bailey
“…is postmodernity the pastime of an old man who scrounges in the garbage-heap of finality looking for leftovers, who brandishes unconsciousnesses, lapses, limits, confines, goulags, parataxes, non-senses, or paradoxes, and who turns this into the glory of his novelty, into his promise of change?”
-Jean-François Lyotard
“There is nothing more natural than to consider everything as starting from oneself, chosen as the center of the world; one finds oneself thus capable of condemning the world without even wanting to hear its deceitful chatter.”
-Guy Debord
“It is related that Sakyamuni [the historical Buddha] once dismissed as of small consequence a feat of levitation on the part of a disciple, and cried out in pity for a yogin by the river who had spent twenty years of his human existence learning to walk on water, when the ferryman might have taken him across for a small coin.”
-Peter Matthiessen
“There is a truth in Schopenhauer’s view that philosophy is an organism, and that a book on philosophy, with a beginning and end, is a sort of contradiction. ... In philosophy matters are not simple enough for us to say ‘Let’s get a rough idea’, for we do not know the country except by knowing the connections between the roads.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“They [Nazi captors]had more liberty, more options to choose from in their environment; but he [Viktor Frankl] had more freedom, more internal power to exercise his options.”
-Stephen R. Covey
“Every man knows that he will die: and nobody believes it. On that paradox stand not only a host of religions but the entity of a sane being.”
-John Myers Myers
“love as a passion—it is our European specialty—must absolutely be of noble origin; as is well known, its invention is due to the Provencal poet-cavaliers, those brilliant, ingenious men of the "gai saber," to whom Europe owes so much, and almost owes itself.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“the exclusive worship of the bitch-goddess sucess is our national disease”
-William James
“Personally, I prefer Stevie Wonder," confessed the Chink, "but what the hell. Those cowgirls are always bitching because the only radio station in the area plays nothing but polkas, but I say you can dance to anything if you really feel like dancing." To prove it, he got up and danced to the news.”
-Tom Robbins
“If you want to bring the world closer to peace, be a peacemaker by creating peace whenever you can. If you find yourself engaged in an argument that only stirs anger in the heart, quickly make peace and carry on.”
-Suzy Kassem
“Father has a strengthening character like the sun and mother has a soothing temper like the moon.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Caution not spirit, let it roam wild; for in that natural state dance embraces divine frequency.”
-Shah Asad Rizvi
“Expressing doubt is how we begin a journey to discover essential truths.”
-Kilroy J. Oldster
“Think of me as an impetuous Hegel, drunk with power, and also, regular drunk.”
-Eugene Mirman
“Do you know where your breakthrough begins? Your breakthrough begins where your excuses ends.”
-Patience Johnson
“How could someone possibly be that beautiful? She wondered for the hundred thousandth time. What higher power orchestrated such a perfect union of genes? Who decided that one single solitary soul deserved skin like that? It was so fundamentally unfair.(Chasing Harry Winston)”
-Lauren Weisberger
“In weariness, existence is like the reminder of a commitment to exist, with all the seriousness and harshness of an irrevocable contract. One has to do something, one has to aspire after and undertake [...] In weariness we want to escape existence itself, and not only one of its landscapes in a longing for more beautiful skies. An evasion without an itinerary and without an end, it is not trying to come ashore somewhere.”
-Emmanuel Levinas
“Keinginan telah mengajarkan kepadamu betapa sia-sianya keinginan, penyesalan mengajarkan betapa sia-sianya penyesalan. Bersabarlah wahai kekeliruan, karena kami semua menjadi bagianmu. Bersabarlah wahai Ketidaksempurnaan, berkat engkaulah Kesempurnaan menyadari dirinya. Bersabarlah kemarahan, karena engkau tidak kekal abadi.”
-Marguerite Yourcenar
“He did not wish to be divine. If there had never been a God, the emperor thought, it might have been easier to work out what goodness was. This business of worship, of the abnegation of self in the face of the Almighty, was a distraction, a false trail. Wherever goodness lay, it did not lie in ritual, unthinking obeisance before a deity but rather, perhaps, in the slow, clumsy, error-strewn working out of an individual or collective path.”
-Salman Rushdie
“Man is no longer an artist, he has become a work of art.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Most people are like sheep. Nice, harmless creatures who want nothing more than to be left alone so they can graze. But then of course there are wolves. Who want nothing more than to eat the sheep.But there’s a third kind of person. The sheepdog. Sheepdogs have fangs like wolves. But their instinct isn’t predation. It’s protection. All they want, what they live for, is to protect the flock.”
-Barry Eisler
“Almost all arguments for skepticism make reference to seemingly ridiculous possibilities—we are being deceived by an evil demon, life is just a dream, we are brains in vats. You might propose psychoanalysis, rather than philosophical reflection, for anyone who worries about these possibilities.”
-Richard Feldman
“Man is an animal who has to live in a lie in order tolive at all.”
-Ernest Becker

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“To overcome the fear of failure, do what makes you fearful.”
-Debasish Mridha
“whatsoever is, is in God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived”
-Baruch Spinoza
“Life is magical for those whose hearts are loving, minds are full with joy, and eyes that are dancing with beauty.”
-Debasish Mridha
“; the man who does not "understand" a woman is happy to replace his subjective deficiency with an objective resistance; instead of admitting his ignorance, he recognizes the presence of a mystery exterior to himself: here is an excuse that flatters his laziness and vanity at the same time.”
-Simone De Beauvoir
“The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions which have grown up in his mind without the cooperation or consent of his deliberate reason.”
-Bertrand Russell
“Atheism leaves a man to sense, to philosophy, to natural piety, to laws, to reputation; all which may be guides to an outward moral virtue, though religion were not; but superstition dismounts all these, and erecteth an absolute monarchy in the minds of men. Therefore atheism did never perturb states; for it makes men wary of themselves, as looking no further: and we see the times inclined to atheism (as the time of Augustus Cæsar) were civil times. But superstition hath been the confusion of many states, and bringeth in a new primum mobile, that ravisheth all the spheres of government. The master of superstition is the people; and in all superstition wise men follow fools; and arguments are fitted to practice, in a reversed order.”
-Francis Bacon
“Love as a concrete foundation for an authentically functional civilization requires the around-the-clock labors of forgiveness. Without it, Love fails, Friendship fails, Intelligence fails, Humanity: fails.”
“Sometimes the sound of silence is the most deafening sound of all.”
-K.L. Toth
“Freedom is an absolute state, there is no such thing as being half-free.”
-Daniel Delgado F
“The easiest way to be reborn is to live and feel life everyday”
-Munia Khan
“Share your love, share you happiness, care for others; your wealth will be endless.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. What then kills love? Only this: Neglect.”
-Jeanette Winterson
“The secret of happiness is love and secret of love is nonjudgmental care.”
-Debasish Mridha
“They will say that I, having no literary skill, cannot properly express that which I desire to treat of, but they do not know that my subjects are to be dealt with by experience rather than by words. And [experience] has been the mistress of those who wrote well. And so, as mistress, I will cite her in all cases. Though I may not, like them, be able to quote other authors, I shall rely on that which is much greater and more worthy: on experience, the mistress of their masters.”
-Leonardo Da Vinci Reproductions
“Love is a chemical reaction,But it cannot be fully understood or defined by science.And though a body cannot exist without a soul,It too cannot be fully understood or defined by science.Love is the most powerful form of energy,But science cannot decipher its elements.Yet the best cure for a sick soul is love,But even the most advanced physicianCannot prescribe it as medicine.INCOMPLETE SCIENCE by Suzy Kassem”
-Suzy Kassem
“There is no problem more difficult to solve than that created by ourselves.”
-Felix Alba-Juez
“If ur laptop doesnt smell like fire then ur losing.”
-Genereux Philip
“I was at ease in everything, to be sure, but at the same time satisfied with nothing. Each joy made me desire another. I went from festivity to festivity. On occasion I danced for nights on end, ever madder about people and life. At times, late on those nights when the dancing, the slight intoxication, my wild enthusiasm, everyone’s violent unrestraint would fill me with a tired and overwhelmed rapture, it would seem to me—at the breaking point of fatigue and for a second’s flash—that at last I understood the secret; I would rush forth anew. I ran on like that, always heaped with favors, never satiated, without knowing where to stop, until the day -- until the evening rather when the music stopped and the lights went out.”
-The Fall
“Some of us are busy doing things; some of us are busy complaining.”
-Debasish Mridha
“The whole interest of my reason, whether speculative or practical, is concentrated in the three following questions: What can I know? What should I do? What may I hope? (Critique of Pure Reason”
-Immanuel Kant
“There is nothing good in this world that does not have some filth in its origin.”
-Anton Chekhov
“Those who grant sympathy to guilt, grant none to innocence.”
-Ayn Rand
“Facts do not fall in the face of discomfort.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Zu den Sachen selbst!”
-Edmund Husserl
“This is all that “ordinary” in the phrase “ordinary language philosophy” means, or ought to mean. It does not refer to particular words of wide use, nor to particular sorts of men. It reminds us that whatever words are said and meant are said and meant by particular men, and that to understand what they (the words) mean you must understand what they (whoever is using them) means, and that sometimes men, do not see what they mean, that usually they cannot say what they mean, that for various reasons they may not know what they mean, and that when they are forced to recognize this they feel they do not, and perhaps cannot, mean anything, and they are struck dumb.”
-Stanley Cavell
“They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think the same could be said for time.”
-Jake Vander Ark
“The poet…is the man of metaphor: while the philosopher is interested only in the truth of meaning, beyond even signs and names, and the sophist manipulates empty signs…the poet plays on the multiplicity of signifieds.”
-Jacques Derrida
“Every life is different because you passed this way and touched history.”
-Barbara Kingsolver
“We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
“In an average day, you may well be confronted with some species of bullying or bigotry, or some ill-phrased appeal to the general will, or some petty abuse of authority. If you have a political loyalty, you may be offered a shady reason for agreeing to a lie or a half-truth that serves some short-term purpose. Everybody devises tactics for getting through such moments; try behaving "as if" they need not be tolerated and are not inevitable.”
-Christopher Hitchens

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“Those who meet Jesus always experience either joy or its opposites, either foretastes of Heaven or foretastes of Hell. Not everyone who meets Jesus is pleased, and not everyone is happy, but everyone is shocked.”
-Peter Kreeft
“The cinema is truth 24 frames-per-second”
-Jean Luc Godard
“True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.”
“A lie never grows old.”
“Look, girls know when they’re cute,” he said. “You don’t have to tell them. All they need to do is look in the mirror. I have one friend out in New York, an attorney. She moved out there after the school year to take the bar. She doesn’t have a job. I was like, ‘How are you going to get a job there in this market?’ And she’s like, ‘I’ll wink and I’ll smile.’ She’s a pretty girl. Whether that works despite her poor grades is yet to be seen.”
-Daniel Amory
“Despite its successes, in the end, philosophical thinking always falls short of its real goal. It involves both the wonder of aspiring toward the Truth and the distress of falling short of that Truth. In this way, philosophy can be characterized as wondrous distress.”
-John Marmysz
“Self-discipline is a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear -- and doubt.”
-H. A. Dorfman
“Their [philosophers] thinking is, in fact, far less a discovery than a re-recognizing, a remembering, a return and a home-coming to a far-off, ancient common-household of the soul, out of which those ideas formerly grew: philosophizing is so far a kind of atavism of the highest order.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Life is like yoga; the only way you can enjoy it is by relaxing into any position you happen to find yourself in.”
-Jon Wakeham
“It is closer to the truth to say that God is crazy than that God is reasonable. I suspect God merely smiles when someone calls him crazy, but shakes His head and frowns when someone calls Him reasonable.”
-Peter Kreeft
“For a game, you don’t need a teacher.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“Different languages, the same thoughts; servant to thoughts and their masters.”
-Dejan Stojanovic
“One must reach out and try to grasp this astonishing finesse, that the value of lif cannot be estimated.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Those who do not think bout the future cannot have one.”
-Michael J. Kami
“Be the kind of person who catches the shit before it hits the fan, not the one who scrapes it off afterwards.”
-Jonas Eriksson
“Never say no to now”
-Benny Bellamacina
“Ignore a person kill the person.”
-M.Azeem Talib
“Make life easier by living in the present and believing in the future.”
-Jonas Eriksson
“Empty is the argument of the philosopher which does not relieve any human suffering.”
“There is no future without a past, because what is to be cannot be imagined except as a form of repetition.”
-Siri Hustvedt
“You see, the deaf have an intimacy with silence. It’s there in their dreams.”
-Shane Koyczan
“I have been accused of a habit of changing my opinions. I am not myself in any degree ashamed of having changed my opinions. What physicist who was already active in 1900 would dream of boasting that his opinions had not changed during the last half century? In science men change their opinions when new knowledge becomes available; but philosophy in the minds of many is assimilated rather to theology than to science. The kind of philosophy that I value and have endeavoured to pursue is scientific, in the sense that there is some definite knowledge to be obtained and that new discoveries can make the admission of former error inevitable to any candid mind. For what I have said, whether early or late, I do not claim the kind of truth which theologians claim for their creeds. I claim only, at best, that the opinion expressed was a sensible one to hold at the time when it was expressed. I should be much surprised if subsequent research did not show that it needed to be modified. I hope, therefore, that whoever uses this dictionary will not suppose the remarks which it quotes to be intended as pontifical pronouncements, but only as the best I could do at the time towards the promotion of clear and accurate thinking. Clarity, above all, has been my aim.”
-Bertrand Russell
“You are what your creators and experiences have made you, like every other being in this universe. Accept that and be done; I tire of your whining.”
-N.K. Jemisin
“Where humanitysowed faith, hope, and unity, joy’s garden blossomed.”
“All men have their frailties; and whoever looks for a friend without imperfections, will never find what he seeks.”
-Cyrus The Great
“We each have within ourselves the ability to shape our own destinies. That much we understand. But, more important, each of us has an equal ability to shape the destiny of the universe. Ah, that you find more difficult to believe. But I tell you it is so. You do not have to be the leader of the Council. You do not have to be king or monarch or the head of a clan to have a significant impact on the world around you.In the vastness of the ocean, is any drop of water greater than another?No, you answer, and neither has a single drop the ability to cause a tidal wave.But, I argue, if a single drop falls into the ocean, it creates ripples. And these ripples spread. And perhaps - who knows - these ripples may grow and swell and eventually break foaming upon the shore.Like a drop in the vast ocean, each of us causes ripples as we move through our lives. The effects of whatever we do - insignificant as it may seem - spread out beyond us. We may never know what far-reaching impact even the simplest action might have on our fellow mortals. Thus we need to be conscious, all of the time, of our place in the ocean, of our place in the world, of our place among our fellow creatures.For if enough of us join forces, we can swell the tide of events - for good or for evil.”
-Margaret Weis
“I think I exist, therefore I exist. I think.”
-David Gerrold
“The real community of man, in the midst of all the self-contradictory simulacra of community, is the community of those who seek the truth, of the potential knowers...of all men to the extent they desire to know. But in fact, this includes only a few, the true friends, as Plato was to Aristotle at the very moment they were disagreeing about the nature of the good...They were absolutely one soul as they looked at the problem. This, according to Plato, is the only real friendship, the only real common good. It is here that the contact people so desperately seek is to be found...This is the meaning of the riddle of the improbable philosopher-kings. They have a true community that is exemplary for all other communities.”
-Allan Bloom
“ I get older, I find myself insisting on my right to be philosophically sloppy.”
-Helen Simonson
“A constitution that is made for all nations is made for none.”
-Joseph De Maistre

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“Philosophy without action is the ruin of the soul. One brave deed is worth a hundred books, a thousand theories, a million words. Now as always we need heroes. And heroines! Down with the passive and the limp.”
-Edward Abbey
“The price we have paid for expecting to be so much more than our ancestors is a perpetual anxiety that we are far from being all we might be.”
-Alain De Botton
“The vivid force of his mind prevailed, and he fared forth far beyond the flaming ramparts of the heavens and traversed the boundless universe in thought and mind.”
“Poetry and art nourish the soul of the world with the flavor-filled substances of beauty, wisdom and truth.”
“The ramdomness of events in the world is so lacking in logic that we give it names like destiny, fate, karma and kismat to deal with the irrationality of its sequence”
-Anirban Bose
“There are no free lunches in philosophy any more than in real life.”
-Jaegwon Kim
“Snow floated down every once in a while, but it was frail snow, like a memory fading into the distance.”
-Haruki Murakami
“Were prayers of murderers, when fighting on the “right side” of the war, ever heard—let alone answered?”
-Kristina McMorris
“Together, "Light and Knowledge" are Inanimate, Intangible, and Inseparable.”
-William Bailey
“Men have such a good opinion of themselves, of their mental superiority and intellectual depth; they believe themselves so skilled in discerning the true from the false, the path of safety from those of error, that they should be forbidden as much as possible the perusal of philosophic writings.”
“Flexibility makes buildings to be stronger, imagine what it can do to your soul.”
-Carlos Barrios
“Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with it ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself.”
-John Stuart Mill
“If we are in a general way permitted to regard human activity in the realm of the beautiful as a liberation of the soul, as a release from constraint and restriction, in short to consider that art does actually alleviate the most overpowering and tragic catastrophes by means of the creations it offers to our contemplation and enjoyment, it is the art of music which conducts us to the final summit of that ascent to freedom.”
-Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
“And so these refined parents rejected their five-year-old girl to all kinds of torture. They beat her, kicked her, flogged her, for no reason that they themselves knew of. The child’s whole body was covered in bruises. Eventually they devised a new refinement. Under the pretext that the child dirtied her bed (as though a five-year-old deep in her angelic sleep could be punished for that), they forced her to eat excrement, smearing it all over her face. And it was the mother that did it! And that woman would lock her daughter up in the outhouse until morning and she did so even on the coldest nights, when it was freezing. Just imagine the woman being able to sleep with the child’s cries coming from that outhouse! Imagine that little creature, unable to even understand what is happening to her, beating her sore little chest with her tiny fist, weeping hot, unresentful, meek tears, and begging ‘gentle Jesus’ to help her… ...let’s assume that you were called upon to build the edifice of human destiny so that men would finally be happy and would find peace and tranquility. If you knew that, only to attain this, you would have to torture just one single creature, let’s say the little girl who beat her chest so desperately in the outhouse, and that on her unavenged tears you could build that edifice, would you agree to do it?”
-Fyodor Dostoevsky
“It’s ever been the way of the man of science or philosophy. Most folks stay in the dark and then complain they can’t see nothing.” – Snipes (185)”
-Ron Rash
“The sole philosophy open to those who doubt the possibility of truth is absolute silence -- even mental.”
-Jacques Maritain
“The real enemy" is the totality of physical and mental constraints by which capital, or class society, or statism, or the society of the spectacle expropriates everyday life, the time of our lives. The real enemy is not an object apart from life. It is the organization of life by powers detached from it and turned against it. The apparatus, not its personnel, is the real enemy. But it is by and through the apparatchiks and everyone else participating in the system that domination and deception are made manifest. The totality is the organization of all against each and each against all. It includes all the policemen, all the social workers, all the office workers, all the nuns, all the op-ed columnists, all the drug kingpins from Medellin to Upjohn, all the syndicalists and all the situationists.”
-Bob Black
“Definitions are the guardians of rationality, the first line of defense against the chaos of mental disintegration.”
-Ayn Rand
“Thus I assume that to each according to his threat advantage is not a conception of justice.”
-John Rawls
“NOT to my contemporaries, not to my compatriots but to mankind I commit my now completed work in the confidence that it will not be without value for them, even if this should be late recognised, as is commonly the lot of what is good. For it cannot have been for the passing generation, engrossed with the delusion of the moment, that my mind, almost against my will, has uninterruptedly stuck to its work through the course of a long life.preface to the second edition of "the world as will and representation”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“Being established in my life, buttressed by my thinking nature, fastened down in this transcendental field which was opened for me by my first perception, and in which all absence is merely the obverse of a presence, all silence a modality of the being of sound, I enjoy a sort of ubiquity and theoretical eternity, I feel destined to move in a flow of endless life, neither the beginning nor the end of which I can experience in thought, since it is my living self who think of them, and since thus my life always precedes and survives itself.”
-Maurice Merleau-Ponty
“Too often, contemporary continental philosophers take the “other” of philosophy to mean literature, but not religion, which is for them just a little too wholly other, a little beyond their much heralded tolerance of alterity. They retain an antagonism to religious texts inherited straight from the Enlightenment, even though they pride themselves on having made the axioms and dogmas of the Enlightenment questionable. But the truth is that contemporary continental philosophy is marked by the language of the call and the response, of the gift, of hospitality to the other, of the widow, the orphan and the stranger, and by the very idea of the “wholly other,” a discourse that any with the ears to hear knows has a Scriptural provenance and a Scriptural resonance. ("A Prologue", Journal of Philosophy and Scripture 1.1, Fall 2003, p. 1).”
-John D. Caputo
“Whether a belief is considered to be a delusion or not depends partly upon the intensity with which it is defended, and partly upon the numbers of people subscribing to it.”
-Anthony Storr
“Philosophy . . .consists chiefly in suggesting unintelligible answers to insoluble problems.”
-Henry Adams
“The ethos of redemption is realized in self-mastery, by means of temperance, that is, continence of desires.”
-Pope John Paul II
“Philosophy, as we use the word, is a fight against the fascination which forms of expression exert upon us.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
“On the one hand, all truth is relative; on the other hand, postmodernism tells it like it really is.On the one hand, all cultures are equally deserving of respect; on the other, Western culture is uniquely destructive and bad.Values are subjective--but sexism and racism are really evil.Technology is bad and destructive--and it is unfair that some people have more technology than others.Tolerance is good and dominance is bad--but when postmodernists come to power, political correctness follows.”
-Stephen Hicks
“THE PRESOCRATIC PROBLEM[all snap flags]Parmenides named his gun The Hot Power of the Stars. His gun was one, uncreated, imperishable, timeless, changeless, perfect, spherical. Spherical was the problem.”
-Anne Carson
“Light in comparison with darkness is a void.”
-Vladimir Nabokov
“Fear is nothing more than a negative assessment of risk.”
-Moses Guru

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“Those who make conversations impossible, make escalation inevitable.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well ordered mind than a man’s ability to stop just where he is and pass some time in his own company.”
“A life fueled by passions is like riding on the back of a dragon.”
-Suzy Kassem
“Fallen. Who tracks our footsteps, I wonder? We who are the forgotten, the discounted and the ignored. When the path is failure, it is never willingly taken. The fallen. Why does my heart weep for them? Not them but us, for most assuredly I am counted among them. Slaves, serfs, nameless peasants and labourers, the blurred faces in the crowd—just a smear on memory, a scuffing of feet down the side passages of history.Can one stop, can one turn and force one’s eyes to pierce the gloom? And see the fallen? Can one ever see the fallen? And if so, what emotion is born in that moment?There were tears on his cheeks, dripping down onto his chafed hands. He knew the answer to that question, knife-sharp and driven deep, and the answer was…recognition.”
-Steven Erikson
“We did all the tourist crap, but I just wanted to sit in a cafe and watch people”
-Sara Shepard
“The good which every man, who follows after virtue, desires for himself he will also desire for other men...”
-Baruch Spinoza
“Be a worthy worker and work will come.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Pain may be the only reality but if mankind had any sense it would pursue the delusion called happiness. All the philosophers and poets who tell us that pain and suffering have a place and purpose in the cosmic order of things are welcome to them. They are frauds. We justify pain because we do not know what to make of it, nor do we have any choice but to bear it. Happiness alone can make us momentarily larger than ourselves.”
-Kiran Nagarkar
“Be kind. It will reveal your true inner beauty.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Love is my inner strength and my power.”
-Debasish Mridha
“Art is whatever you can get away with.”
-Marshall McLuhan
“Life is a magical journey, so travel endlessly to unfold its profound and heart touching beauty.”
-Debasish Mridha
“I consider a dream like I consider a shadow,” answered Caeiro, with his usual divine, unexpected promptitude. “A shadow is real, but it’s less real than a rock. A dream is real — if it weren’t, it wouldn’t be a dream — but less real than a thing. That’s what being real is like.”
-Álvaro De Campos
“Summer is for surrendering; winter is for wondering.”
-Debasish Mridha
“The true philosopher is a man who says "All right," and goes to sleep in his armchair.”
-P.G. Wodehouse
“For wordsmiths and masters of words, without necessarily being harsh with words, the words have a tendency to shoot straight to the hearts of people, and this either deeply touches them or deeply angers them. Like the apostles in all their loving controversies are those who are masters of words while combining this gift with truth.”
-Criss Jami
“...When he puts a thing on a pedestal and calls it beautiful, he demands the same delight from others. He judges not merely for himself, but for all men, and then speaks of beauty as if it were the property of things.”
-Immanuel Kant
“Man can be master of nothing while he fears death, but he who does not fear it possesses all. If there were no suffering, man would not know his limitations, would not know himself. The hardest thing is to be able in your soul to unite the meaning of all. To unite all? Pierre asked himself. "No, not to unite. Thoughts cannot be united, but to harness all these thoughts together is what we need! Yes, one must harness them, must harness them!”
-Leo Tolstoy
“Health is hearty, health is harmony, health is happiness.”
-Amit Kalantri
“Faith in God is optional, but faith in the self – in the spirit within, is imperative.”
-Abhijit Naskar
“Don’t think about the possibilities of failing. Never forget to think about the possibilities of flying.”
-Debasish Mridha
“The more I love, the more I find that life is magical.”
-Debasish Mridha
“What a paradox it is, the sane causes more problems than the insane! It is! The real problems of the world do not come from the insane but, the sane!”
-Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
“The satyr, as the Dionysiac chorist, dwells in a reality sanctioned by myth and ritual. That tragedy should begin with him, that the Dionysiac wisdom of tragedy should speak through him, is as puzzling a phenomenon as, more generally, the origin of tragedy from the chorus. Perhaps we can gain a starting point for this inquiry by claiming that the satyr, that fictive nature sprite, stands to cultured man in the same relation as Dionysian music does to civilization. Richard Wagner has said of the latter that it is absorbed by music as lamplight by daylight. In the same manner, I believe, the cultured Greek felt himself absorbed into the satyr chorus, and in the next development of Greek tragedy state and society, in fact everything that separates man from man, gave way before an overwhelming sense of unity that led back into the heart of nature. This metaphysical solace (which, I wish to say at once, all true tragedy sends us away) that, despite every phenomenal change, life is at bottom indestructibly joyful and powerful, was expressed most concretely in the chorus of satyrs, nature beings who dwell behind all civilization and preserve their identity through every change of generations and historical movement.With this chorus the profound Greek, so uniquely susceptible to the subtlest and deepest suffering, who had penetrated the destructive agencies of both nature and history, solaced himself. Though he had been in danger of craving a Buddhistic denial of the will, he was saved through art, and through art life reclaimed him.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“When you kiss me,your lips upon mine,your kisses taste so sweet,just like a glass of good wine.”
-Anthony T Hincks
“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give values to survival.”
-Alice Duer Miller
“After your death, you will be what you were before your birth.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
“I refuse to let the standards of evil people chip away at my capacity for integrity.”
-Stefan Molyneux
“One does what one is; one becomes what one does.”
-Robert Musil
“I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt it in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life.”
-Leo Tolstoy

Best Philosophy Quotes, Philosophical Quotes about Love, Deep Philosophical Quotes, Philosopher Quotes on Reality, Philosophical Quotes about Time,Philosophical Sayings, Philosophical Captions, English Philosophy Quotes

“In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering in innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge. That was the haughtiest and most mendacious minute of "world history"- yet only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths the star grew cold, and the clever animals had to die.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
“Nobody can tell what is right and what is wrong; what is righteous and what is evil. Even if there is a god and I had his teachings right before me, I would think it through and decide if that was right or wrong myself.”
-Tsugumi Ohba
“To be, or not to be: what a question!”
-E.A. Bucchianeri
“Nobody wants to believe that existence carries on without at least taking a stumble from their departure of this world.”
-Nenia Campbell
“Any person who, with all the sincerity of heart, is in search for God, on land or in the sea, is worthy of respect.”
-Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi
“This sweet virginal primitive land will metaphorically breathe a sigh of relief --like a whisper of wind--when we are all and finally gone and the place and its creations can return to their ancient procedures unobserved and undisturbed by the busy, anxious, brooding consciousness of man.”
-Edward Abbey
“Now that science has helped us to overcome the awe of the unknown in nature, we are the slaves of social pressures of our own making. When called upon to act independently, we cry for patterns, systems, and authorities. If by enlightenment and intellectual progress we mean the freeing of man from superstitious belief in evil forces, in demons and fairies, in blind fate--in short, the emancipation from fear--then denunciation of what is currently called reason is the greatest service reason can render.”
-Max Horkheimer
“Entertainment is temporary happiness, but the real happiness is permanent entertainment.”
-Amit Kalantri
“The more details, depth and thought you put into your ideas the more valuable they become.”
-Simon Zingerman
“Do you not think that God will protect us?”“No,” he said flatly. “My experience is that He rarely attends to the obvious.”
-Philippa Gregory

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